Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They have cleared their shelves of anything that could offend the public or bring down the wrath of the tabloids .
2 This tool can be developed to help nurses scrutinise their work or evaluate quantitatively the effects of change within a ward on nurse activity .
3 The management had a choice of throwing out the canteen manager or bringing out the paper .
4 Richard Coleman , managing directors of Compass Commercial Services , agreed that the MoD was a significant marketplace , although most of the contracts were now being let on a retender basis and a new insecurity in what was already a high risk business had recently presented itself — the application to the public sector of Transfer of Undertakings legislation , when incoming contractors are obliged to retain staff at current rates of pay , terms and conditions , or pick up the redundancy liability .
5 After sewing the neck shape I either overlock the shoulders or pick up the stitches on a darning needle using the same colour yarn .
6 or pick up the aesthetics of road-haulage .
7 So a female researcher is more likely to recognise , and pick up certain cues , or pick up the ways in which she 's not actually being addressed , than a male researcher necessarily .
8 Richard Penrose , defending , said the firm had not intended to conceal or cover up the accident .
9 But for the interested amateur the travel companies offer trips which include opportunities to follow the grey whales of the San Ignacio Lagoon , view tigers in India , search for orchids and birds of paradise in Papua New Guinea , or track down the gorillas in the Mountains of the Moon .
10 ‘ … or made up the answers , as you found on Sunday ? ’
11 B.1 Without restricting the rights of the Purchaser to claim damages on any other basis open to it , if it shall be found that any matter which is the subject of any of the Warranties is not as warranted , represented or undertaken then the Vendor shall on demand either : —
12 He made it harder for himself , though much more valuable , by refusing to take short cuts or to mug up the subject from the textbooks : he went to the original sources .
13 These worms have a similar food-gathering strategy to the more familiar filter-feeding tubeworms , but instead of the feathery heads of fanworms have long , sticky tentacles which they wave in the current or drag over the substrate in search of food particles which are then carried back to the mouth as the tentacles are drawn in .
14 This motive , which became prominent when inquisitorial methods waned and extra-judicial confessions became an important , and in many instances by far the most important , weapon in the prosecution 's armoury , was particularly weighty at a time when the accused could not rebut or explain away the confession by giving evidence on his own behalf .
15 Charles Peace , a Victorian villain , once commented that the dangerous constable was the one who ‘ neglects his duty to go courting the servant , or nips up the entry to get a surreptitious drink .
16 Guard duty over the two women was much lighter than tree-felling in the steamy forest or sawing up the timbers into six-feet lengths , then splitting them into staves for the stockade , the master 's house , and the other habitations they were erecting in the settlement .
17 Thus there is no net loss or gain over the period of time .
18 it should also be possible to discover a number of laws which can be used to assist parallelism introduction , for example by making a sequential program more amenable to it , or speeding up the behaviour of a parallel network .
19 Direct capitalist control or influence over the communication of ideas ( mass media , publishing , universities ) , and capitalist influence over the state , both structure ‘ debates ’ in liberal democracies .
20 The writer has not thought or planned out the ideas or points to be made ; the clue of " was was " and doubt about " contend " and " content " point to the speed with which it was written .
21 you can take a donkey ride up into the mountains in the morning , before spending the afternoon on a jet ski or paragliding down the beach .
22 He continues pouring from one container to another , and after lots of experience and conversation with the adults around him can begin to estimate how much he is going to need to fill the guinea pig 's water bowl or top up the vase of flowers .
23 It was illogical to accept that an accord and satisfaction fell within s 286(5) but fell outside s 287(1) , which referred to where a company releases or writes off the whole or part of the debt .
24 Enhancement in this context means the carrying out of works which are intended to lengthen substantially the useful life of the asset , to increase substantially its open market value , or to increase substantially the extent to which the asset will serve the purposes of the local authority concerned .
25 ‘ We are very worried someone is going to fall down the cliff or slip off the ship and break something .
26 This angle can then be used to find the size of an object whose distance is known or to work out the size of the image through a given focal length .
27 Drill or channel out the wall plaster for rear cable entry
28 Drill or channel out the wall plaster for water pipe entry
29 The Egyptians gather in a line , thinking more of the cats than of putting out the flames , but the cats dart through or leap over the men and spring into the fire .
30 Dip this end into hormone rooting powder while it is still moist from the cut so that some powder adheres , shake or tap off the surplus and lay it aside for a few minutes while the others are being prepared .
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