Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If we do not know about something or do not realise what is addressed can be understood in another manner or seen through another lens , it skews our viewpoint ; it limits our options ; it clouds our perspective .
2 Already at least 10 of the 43 police authorities in England and Wales either do not have any plastic bullets or do not favour their use , according to Patricia Hewin of the NCCL .
3 Of course , if you are calling the Institute for the first time , or do not know who you need to speak to , then the switchboard staff will still be there to help you .
4 They may also be excluded because they are not entitled to benefits , do not register for work , or do not define themselves as unemployed .
5 Whenever you are in doubt about what to do next , what to enter , or do not understand what is being displayed on the page , more information can be obtained by pressing the Help key , ( the PF2 key on the keypad ) .
6 Even if the equation could be established , the beneficiaries are not the same or do not see themselves as the same : the patients paying two shillings for their bottles of medicine do not identify themselves with the patients admitted to hospital sooner or treated more efficiently .
7 Please continue a positive attitude to gay issues , or do n't do it at all .
8 Either mean it , or do n't do it . ’
9 if he disagrees or do n't do anything , but I ca n't see how he ca n't leave it , can be without it , has to know
10 What still seems most important to me , after seven years , is still the callers and the way that we do or do n't service their needs .
11 ‘ Confidentiality ’ may mean my right ( or wish ) that you do not pass on what I have told you ( or do n't identify me as the informant ) , or it may mean my wish ( or right ) that you do not pass on information about me , or , with ‘ professional ’ prefixed , it may mean that our group will support each other by saying nothing about each other 's judgements , competencies or foibles .
12 Or do n't tell me that all those questions about Ryan were simply so that you could track him down and make him pay the money back ? ’
13 ‘ Charge us all , charge us all , or do n't charge anyone ! ’
14 Am I right in thinking you can define more readily whether you know something or do n't know something in mathematics ?
15 ‘ It is easy to have the wool pulled over your eyes if you do n't know the ropes or do n't have someone reliable to operate for you , ’ a contented owner of property in Portugal told me .
16 But erm , sometimes they have n't covered it completely , or do n't understand it , they 've just ticked it , and signed it to say that they know what they 're doing .
17 Most people just listen to weather forecasts and either believe them or do n't believe them and certainly get cross with people like yourselves if it
18 Christopher will you drink that or do n't wipe it on the floor !
19 While most middle-class women say they dislike housework and most working-class women say they like or do n't mind it , there are some in each class group who deviate from this pattern .
20 As regards to homework , I just got on with it myself or did n't do it at all . ’
21 or did n't think they were
22 He either failed or did n't take his finals ; I could n't make out which . ’
23 or did n't heap its trays with fruit and meat
24 er we both met him to try and make a plea to him to try and change his views and it 's fair to say that he does n't know or did n't know what was going on in his own backyard and John Patten I feel is the same as is the rest of the M P's in the Oxfordshire area .
25 But if he had no bill and or did n't pick it up , you 'd tell the proprietor that he must take his own proceedings — he 's swindled you out of the price of a meal and it 's a civil action .
26 When Queen Elizabeth , on a state visit to Germany in May 1965 , arrived in Stuttgart for a formal lunch , John took care over his clothes but either forgot or did not think it necessary to find a pair of socks less obtrusive than the bright reds or blues he favoured at that time .
27 The fact that their discoveries were either ignored or did not bring their just rewards was partially responsible for inducing a conspiracy mentality .
28 Impossible to judge whether she knew or did not know whatever it was that Francis had been told , and there was nothing to be gained by turning the screw too hard .
29 But it is useless to start deciding which aspects of behaviour did or did not have their origin in sex .
30 So I used to encourage his own poetry , and his ideas for poetic themes , even when I knew they were poor or did not interest me .
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