Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 It was , therefore , not surprising that the great economists of this period either ignored or made only brief and passing references to the quality or quantity of labour as an important factor in economic growth .
2 Yet it 's the principle , not the money , that seems to be upsetting you — and the fact that others demand or expect so much and appreciate so little .
3 People may shout , mouth words , wave their arms about or feel generally inadequate and give up .
4 The vocabulary we have painstakingly acquired is steadily being eroded or expanded or taking on new and important meanings .
5 Do n't eat or drink too many and do n't snack on them during the day .
6 A similar situation exists in some Latin American countries — for example , in Brazil , Argentina and Chile — where industrialization is well advanced and political life is now dominated by a struggle between classes , the outcome of which will decide whether their regimes remain autocratic , sometimes regressing into military and repressive forms , or become more democratic and eventually social democratic .
7 Those that advocated social or political change in a reasoned and intelligent manner seemed to be either ignored or ended up defeated and disillusioned by the whole sorry mess .
8 There was nothing dramatic to mark its going — just a stream of air bubbles that became gradually smaller and ceased altogether after about twenty seconds .
9 It was a three fingered hand that became more solid and substantial second by second .
10 She smiled and she lifted her eyelids at a man in a way that conveyed how attractive and interesting he was .
11 English , for Hirsch , is basically to do with educational and cultural values , helping ‘ to provide the myths and values we live by ’ , rather than generating ever new and more narrowly directed interpretations .
12 In fact , even the Japanese language version of these is worth a look , if only for the few English words that remain obstinately untranslatable and stick out glaringly among the elegant Japanese characters .
13 Yet , rather than think out new and just ways of distributing the riches to which we have all fallen heir , it uses those riches as the basis for deadly quarrels .
14 It is more helpful to meet real people who have come to terms with their lives , than to wander around lost and alone in a maze of fantasies .
15 Among the few who have tried to compare the two regions , French and Smith ( 1985 ) are concerned particularly with subpolar tundra , and Aleksandrova ( 1980 ) prescribes a simple geobotanical regional zoning that covers both polar and subpolar zones at both ends of the world .
16 Wall-mounted material that has both visual and tactile interest is intriguing and can , in the form of collages and friezes , incorporate designs or figures made by the pupils .
17 Both illusions were shattered in ways that underlined how fragile and ramshackle the policies were , and they were shattered within a month of each other .
18 ‘ Whoa ! ’ is constructed slyly , so from the outside it looks like it was made by tramps in their lunch hour , but in reality it is a nifto exercise in song-building that starts off quiet and nervous and by the end is running about the room shouting and pouring lager into flowerpots .
19 I often find myself wondering how something that looks so simple and straightforward manages to cause its owner so many headaches .
20 Magistrates became so familiar with this procedure that , in some courts , the ‘ usual conditions ’ came to be attached to the granting of bail to striking miners in a way that seemed both autocratic and inevitable .
21 It was a familiar stance to those who knew him , as was the smile he now gave his son ; a dark , ironic smile that seemed both amused and calculating .
22 There was a humorous light in her keen black eyes that seemed somehow warm and welcoming .
23 Gazing into grey eyes that seemed incredibly gentle and soft , she forgot all about his reasons for being there , forgot everything except this infuriating giant who was slowly but surely destroying her peace of mind , ‘ Why ? ’ she whispered .
24 He was also unhappy about Pound 's own obstinacy and arrogance in the matter of his eventual release ; he was raising objections to schemes that seemed perfectly sound and , as Eliot told his daughter , " I fear your father does not want to accept freedom on any terms that are possible " .
25 There were certainly more people in the world who resembled the French , 88 per cent of whom in 1861 lived in the département of their birth — in the Lot département 97 per cent in the parish of their birth — than resembled more mobile and migratory populations .
26 It 's got these tight sleeves that look too short and the bottom bit is all bunched up so when she turns it all billows out .
27 Mr de Soto 's think-tank , the Institute of Liberty and Democracy , has highlighted how massive urban emigration has undermined a government system that revolves around private and state monopolies .
28 Sometime after we began work he started talking about the King 's Cross railway station fire that killed so many and about the fact that he was on an underground train going through the station at that time .
29 And meanwhile we 'll keep going you know and er and do what we have to do which is to make sure that when they get dow when they get round to that table sitting down that well certainly the the quarry men are not gon na be hungry if if you know what I mean I mean they they gon na sit there with full bellies in a sense that they 're not gon na be starved back and I mean th that sounds rather dramatic and a cliched but I mean when you 're living on the bread line and expecting money from week to week I mean that 's what it 's all about is n't it you know and and the food parcel .
30 it is easier to give relevant , but isolated , examples than to give more systematic and sustained descriptions and analyses ; and description is easier than discussing the principles underlying the examples .
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