Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So the sort of murder will have in your police procedural will present virtually no challenge to the reader to guess or work out who-dun-it before your detectives .
2 Although these differences are now widely known , there is so far no satisfactory explanation nor do particular penal philosophies , or the adoption of deliberate policy choices in favour of a greater or lesser use of custody , necessarily seem to have expected or intended effect on one jurisdiction or explain why its of imprisonment differs from that of another jurisdiction .
3 The little creatures have an endless appetite , and a digestive system that turns almost anything into perfect compost .
4 He flicked up his eyes , small and blank , holes that sucked in everything around him , but gave nothing back .
5 Icelandic weather is really buggering me about , I decide , and conditions are now near perfect except for the metre of soft snow that lies over everything in sight .
6 She opened the door and gazed down a splendid vista of reception rooms that opened out one into the next , which Buzz had learned was typical of grand French houses .
7 That at least was an attitude that owed almost nothing to the Civil Service .
8 would virtually take over completely , the section Cricket Green — Fair Green — Tooting Junction , providing the cars and crews that worked over it as part of a through service from a central London terminus .
9 Luke 's eyes stared down into hers , his gaze drawing up a veil of heat in her body until she was suffused by a sensation that blocked out everything but his closeness .
10 And she could not sort out her brain while he stood less than a foot away , watching her with eyes that gave away nothing of his own thoughts .
11 I do n't care what you say , they really are marvellous creatures and one of the few animals in God 's world that do absolutely nothing but good .
12 The quiet discursive approach actually delivers the goods in terms of reforming this nation and increasing our prosperity more effectively than carrying on everything as a flat-out argument .
13 There remained only a narrow gauge track , reminiscent of an Emmett railway and called the Meusien , that was designed to supply the wants of a peacetime garrison , and the second-class road that ran alongside it for some fifty miles from Barle-Due .
14 It was a past that had almost nothing in common with the learned past which Lanfranc had made abundantly available at Bec , and which pointed the way to the future .
15 She put by the rent for the six weeks , and laid out everything for the bills — she usually pays £6 a week for gas , £2.68 newspapers , £2 club for her son 's clothes , £30 for food , £2.75 for school dinners in term time .
16 He strongly criticised local government for increasing bureaucracy and asked why anyone with an interesting and busy life would want to be involved with it .
17 Now is a time to focus on priorities and to strip away anything in your life that is superfluous .
18 Once they had filled the trolley and checked off everything on their list Stuart and his Mum looked for a checkout that was n't busy .
19 I was saying Danny the other day do you remember the time he came and got out his in there ?
20 His way of looking and drawing became ingrained in us , and has too me in good stead ever since . ’
21 l he vehicles entered the western end of this northern bay , and the coach body was lifted off its bogies and placed on moving carriers , the wheels removed from the bogies , the bogies then also placed on carriers parallel with its body and moved alongside it through the shop at the same pace , that of one vehicle every forty minutes .
22 Squeeze a little lemon juice over each portion and grind over plenty of black pepper .
23 Weber scurried to the ship 's blower , and shouted down it in fury , while Katze knelt below the shattered windowpane and took potshots at the dock with his Luger .
24 They spoke to lots of other Brownies , Guides and guiders over the radio and filled in lots of QSL cards .
25 Repayments can be monthly or quarterly , and spread over one to 20 years , which gives you the ability to fix an appropriate level .
26 The determination Alexander demonstrated as a war-leader undoubtedly resurfaced on a number of occasions after Russia made peace , but explaining the emancipation of the serfs by depicting him as a latter-day Peter the Great oversimplifies Russian politics between 1855 and 1861 and says almost nothing about the shape of the emancipation settlement .
27 ‘ I was studying maths at Cambridge University and wondering why none of my friends wanted to be in a glam rock group with me .
28 These flowers are visited by larger bees such as species of Xylocopa , which land on the hood-like ligule and forage underneath it for pollen .
29 Soon he is befriended by the kindly German ‘ Doc ’ ( Armin Mueller-Stahl ) who is interned in the local prison And we see him taught to box and fend fro himself by a likeable petty thief ( Morgan Freeman ) .
30 And I have resolved in my heart to hear your complaints two days in the week , on the Monday and the Thursday ; but if causes should arise which require haste , come to me when ye will and I will give judgment , for I do not retire with women to sing and to drink , as your Lords have done , so that ye could obtain no justice , but will myself see to these things , and watch over ye as friend over his friend , and kinsman over his kinsman .
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