Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whereupon , declaring that no less precious food should thereafter pass her lips , the lady had , variously , starved herself to death or flung herself from the window , in which case her blood had forever coloured the ruddy rocks of Roussillon .
2 You should be able to buy these books at a bookshop or borrow them from a library .
3 I usually make her coffee , and if she runs out of fags or needs summat from the shops , I go for her .
4 While the child is in care no-one may cause him to be known by a new surname or remove him from the United Kingdom without either the written consent of every person who has parental responsibility or the leave of the court ( s33(7) ) .
5 And then they started recruiting or or or promoting them from the ranks you know .
6 1a identify the place value of a column or a digit in it for values of units , tens , hundreds and thousands ; 1b represent in numerals a whole number given in words ; 1c represent in words a whole number given in numerals ; 1d order whole numbers ; 1e provide a whole number which is between two given numbers in size ; 1f represent a given whole number on a number line or read one from a number line or scale ; 1g demonstrate understanding of relationships of the form 13 x 8 ( 10 x 8 ) + ( 3 x 8 ) .
7 The pupil can represent a given whole number on a number line or read one from a number line or scale ( Example 81 ) .
8 2a The pupil can identify the place value of a column or a digit in it for values of tenths , hundredths and thousandths ; 2b the pupil can represent in numerals a decimal number given in words ; 2c the pupil can represent in words a decimal number given in numerals ; 2d the pupil can order decimal numbers ; 2e the pupil can provide a decimal number which is between two given numbers in size ; 2f the pupil can represent a given decimal number on a number line or read one from a number line or scale ; 2g the pupil can understand relationships of the form 1.3 x 8 ( I x 8 ) + ( 0.3 x 8 ) ; 2h the pupil can represent a fraction in tenths or hundredths as a decimal ; 2i the pupil can represent a decimal with not more than two decimal places as a fraction .
9 The pupil can represent a given decimal number on a number line or read one from a number line or scale ( Example 89 ) .
10 Please include your application for tickets on your postal booking form , or obtain them from the Festival House box-office from 15 October .
11 erm sequences such as what happened yesterday , what happened today , what 's going to happen tomorrow — dyslexic people very often have great difficulty with this and transferring from the two dimensional to the three dimensional , like you might say to a dyslexic adult when he or she asks directions , ‘ Oh , well , it 's first right , second left and then there 's a tower on your right and you 've got to turn to the left after the tree ’ and so on , and a dyslexic person ca n't remember any of that at all , or transfer it from the map to the reality .
12 But you chose to switch on the news that day , or to hear it from a friend ; and you chose to have certain thoughts in response to that news .
13 You purchase players or get them from the free-transfer market .
14 Ask your Ski Club Representative or Party Leader for vouchers or get them from the Clubhouse .
15 In recent years the courts have frequently granted an injunction to restrain a defendant to a civil action from disposing of any of his assets , or removing them from the jurisdiction of the court .
16 for delivering it from one part of his premises to another part of his premises , or for delivering it from his premises to the premises of , or between parts of premises of , another manufacturer or repairer of or dealer in mechanically propelled vehicles or removing it from the premises of another manufacturer or repairer of or dealer in mechanically propelled vehicles direct to his own premises ;
17 Moreover , Corbett realised that if de Craon knew he was asking questions it was only a matter of time before the Council of Guardians intervened and either put a stop to his activities or expelled him from the country .
18 Scotland is extremely lucky in this context , with its record on beef , whisky and salmon — not to mention oatcakes and haggis — which sets it apart or differentiates it from the rest of the market place .
19 We may , therefore , take a beam of neutrons or electrons , all having the same , known velocity , and pass it through or reflect it from a sample .
20 It is an open question whether this higher-level information dictates the lower-level interpretation ( as in HARPY , HWIM and Hearsay-II ) or enhances it through some sort of feedback mechanism ( as in TRACE ) , or selects it from a pool of candidates .
21 If it has n't , the only thing you can do — apart from continuing your garage-less existence , or renting one from a car-less neighbour — is to convert part of the ground floor of your house to construct a built-in garage , with all the upheaval and loss of living space which that entails .
22 For a time DeVore simply watched her , following her every movement with the hidden cameras , switching from screen to screen , zooming in to focus on her face or watching her from the far side of the room .
23 For example , in 1983 it was said that ‘ even where the husband had been violent , it would be reasonable for the wife to continue to reside in the matrimonial home but to seek a court order restraining his violence or barring him from the home ’ and in these circumstances the authority 's duty would be ‘ to advise the applicant so to do , not to accommodate her as a homeless person ’ .
24 That 's a tall order with the wind buffeting your back or hitting you from the side .
25 Paul 's opponents found it easier to agree in synod on his unworthiness for office than to eject him from the episcopal residence .
26 ACT is now a separate computer maintenance company that was split off from Apricot before it was bought by Mitsubishi , the Japanese conglomerate that produces everything from the four-wheel Shogun to equally rugged Nikon cameras .
27 Then swabbed the wash-basin clean guided Maxim downstairs and found their shoes and socks moving with a numb efficiency that abstracted him from the terrors of his imagination .
28 ‘ There 's a rockier feel to Mother Earth that separates us from a band like the Heavies , ’ comments founding member Bunny .
29 Female sexuality and reproduction were seen particularly as representative of the mortality that separates us from the eternal and binds us to temporal corruptible life .
30 The building sits on bearings that isolate it from the ground .
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