Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many cities run the trees through chippers , paying for the operation by selling the mulch or using it in public parks .
2 He must know how to lift or catch her in different ways from a static position or jump without any sign of strain .
3 If you are planning to run the new cables temporarily on the surface up or down the walls , simply clip them in place with cable clips , or run them in slimline plastic minitrunking stuck to the wall surface .
4 If this is not possible , either cut a chase in the plaster ( horizontally or vertically , but never diagonally ) and bury the cable , or run it in surface-mounted mini-trunking , fixed to the top edge of the skirting board or to the wall surface .
5 ‘ Pork-pie ’ trilbies came into prominence ( again ) in the short-hair phase , faded & reasserted themselves in early smoothie .
6 To taste for seasoning , either fry a teaspoonful of the pate or poach it in simmering water ( it will taste less strong when cold ) .
7 She now hopes that the world will no longer expect to see her on the arm of her husband , hugging or kissing him in public , behaving like a loving wife .
8 Textbooks on research methods rarely mention the problems that arise when undertaking research on controversial topics or conducting it in sensitive locations .
9 ‘ I have no doubt , ’ comments Stewart , ‘ that one or two of those medical symptoms are genuine ; but the main problem for these youngsters collapsing and feeling very ill is just plain exhaustion , or to put it in simple mountaineering jargon — physically knackered . ’
10 But it is a problem for feminists if dictionaries include sexist definitions and examples , if they refuse to include feminist terms or define them in contentious ways .
11 And I think it was , we were willing to go back to work and carry on discussions , albeit without earning any bonus because we were working to rule at the time , but it was what happened in er the quarry that really started the strike , when he laid the workforce off because they were helping us , or joining us in sympathetic action , you know there was a lockout up there , so I think that speeded up things considerably .
12 ‘ I never intended to belittle or humiliate her in public .
13 Most of them , protected by their voluntary-aided status , resisted for twenty years and more all attempts to change their fiercely academic character or to entangle them in vague schemes of amalgamation or co-operation with secondary modern schools .
14 Well , life has changed since then , and people now have to be a little bit wary when they meet strangers or find themselves in unusual places or situations .
15 A definition of that sort might allow the person addressed to take into account the fact that the person making the utterance was seeking to make a serious point , or engage him in reasoned discussion , or was acting unintentionally .
16 Though I warn you , ’ he gestured threateningly , ‘ do n't waste my time or engage us in meddlesome , wasteful tricks .
17 He was not so much concerned , as the tribal sculptor was , with conveying his idea about an object , but rather with recording it or interpreting it in pictorial terms .
18 As for the women , the government seems not to regard them as human beings at all , unless as in the days of the British Empire the fact that they are women can be used to deny them basic rights or torture them in special ways .
19 It seems some parents let their children amuse themselves by chasing foals and small ponies , or throwing sticks and stones at them , or tormenting them in other ways .
20 Even the DGSE might have baulked at letting them drown or shooting them in cold blood .
21 The social dynamics which foregrounded a consciousness of individual identity have been clearly analysed : primo-genitive inheritance forcing younger sons to seek a role outside the family ; the growth of a socially fluid urban society and of cathedral schools and the resultant rise of an administrative class ; the climate of learning and debate about the purposes of life , ideals to be followed and choice of life-style — whether to pursue an active life of involvement with the world of affairs or the inner contemplative ideals of a personal relationship with God within the renunciation and shelter of a cloister ; the stress on personal relationships between friends and lovers ; all these factors contributed to raise the profile of the individual within society rather than submerge it in low relief within a predetermined authoritarian hierarchy .
22 Each of these labels indicates an aspect of study that has something in common , and our use of ‘ information skills ’ includes some parts of all of them ‘ ( p 11 ) .
23 It is also good at containing costs and farming out its staff to work on site rather than keeping them in expensive offices of its own .
24 One of the fields that interests me in particular is that of motivic connections .
25 DUCHESS IN DISGRACE : Fergie cools off on the holiday that landed her in hot water
26 ‘ About schools , no doubt , they know something-perhaps they have schedules and inventories that tell them in wearisome detail what they should look for in the structure , the physical fabric .
27 For these teachers the time taken up by their extra activities more than repays itself in renewed zest and self-confidence in school .
28 A great deal has been written of the Pilgrims Road and its travellers and its river crossings and I 'm of the opinion that more Pilgrims to Canterbury follow this route now than followed it in Mediaeval times ( howls of protest ) .
29 And as she pushed open the west door Miss Danziger was met by the scent of fennel , the six-foot stems of which towered over her from a huge stoneware pot , very different from the musty scent of piety that greeted her in English country churches .
30 John Newsom knew that , in his two Reports , he was moving nimbly between two worlds that had nothing in common .
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