Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] the way " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think people get even angrier if they think about this precise thing that was done in their so-called formative years that made them the way they are .
2 Then get two children and show them the way to cut the rings down the middle .
3 You must take our hands and show us the way , like Mum did .
4 ‘ Do you want me to come with you and show you the way out ? ’ offered Endill .
5 Reflecting on the new and indeed unlikely scenario Collie Curran said : ‘ PJ McGowan came in three years ago and showed us the way ahead .
6 It scared and disgusted her the way every male she met suddenly started ogling the blancmange under her blouse .
7 For example , let's say an old lady with a walking stick approaches you in the High Street and asks you the way to the nearest public toilets .
8 So Sinead O'Connor — probably our last remaining real rock star , a maverick , a 1000 per cent attack merchant constantly taking convention by the neck and shaking it the way a terrier shakes a rat , the woman who stormed into the Irish PM 's office over the abortion issue , who refused to sing the US national anthem , who correctly pointed out that George Bush leaves Saddam Hussein standing in the mass-murder stakes , who has exposed her own sad past in vivid , gory detail , whose every record has fully stretched and excited the expectations of her audience — has released a version of Loretta Lynn 's maudlin Country classic .
9 Erm , it it , it makes it very , very difficult to imagine how you 'll recover erm , but in the end it 's a personal decision to , to try to achieve self respect , to care for yourself better , to adopt good habits of nutrition and exercise , not dieting , cos diets are the biggest con trick of all and certainly , to rid your life of people who do n't respect and accept you the way you are .
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