Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] the now " in BNC.

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1 As I stood and gazed at the now empty slit trenches , I could n't help a sinking feeling in my stomach as I pictured in my mind those who had occupied the trenches in this orchard , those who had been killed or seriously wounded .
2 Late in the afternoon , he asked and obtained from the now bemused Prior the services of the lay brother who had accompanied them to Earlston .
3 His long black scaled body rose into the air and fell upon the now swerving military vehicle .
4 ‘ We ARE the British film industry , actually , ’ joked Mr Grade , puffing on his customary giant cigar and attired in the now familiar monogrammed braces .
5 As attested by the now considerable literature on museology , debates concerning strategies of display and the production of history have as much to do with empowerment outside as inside the museum .
6 This development , when seen alongside the now routine questioning of civil servants by ‘ Commons select committees ( see Chapter 14 ) , presents the possibility of ‘ responsible ’ departmental managers answering directly to MPs for their stewardship .
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