Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 However , it takes time and effort and the action shown in the close-up may have changed or stopped by the time the wide shot begins , so there may be action matching problems .
2 Such warranties create contractual obligations with the result that a tenant should be able to maintain an action against the professional party in the event of a breach subsequently occurring , or occurring within the time specified in the warranty .
3 During the past few months , we have again weighed upthe pros and cons of reapplying now , or waiting for the time being .
4 Aye that was Well that that was on the platform when I got me face burnt and me left hand , which I think was burnt trying to protect me me head or face at the time .
5 On an application to the court , the court may refuse discharge , An order for discharge must not be issued or gazetted until the time allowed for appealing has expired or , if an appeal is entered , until the appeal has been determined ( r 6.221 ) .
6 There would also be a short term pension payable er and this would be paid for three months at the rate of your pension or pay at the time of death .
7 Upon recovery from the overdose , Charles said he had not cared whether he lived or died at the time of taking the tablets , but wanted to show Ann how desperate he was feeling .
8 Whilst every effort will be made to maintain the services shown herein , the Company does not guarantee that the trains will depart or arrive at the times stated and reserves the right to cancel , alter or suspend any train without notice and accepts no liability for any loss inconvenience or delay thereby caused , under normal circumstances trains are steam-hauled unless shown otherwise .
9 It was buried in the garden with all due ceremony , and all I knew or felt at the time was grief that I should never see my beloved pet again .
10 Children are not unfamiliar with situations in which they tell , or are told , what someone else said or thought ; or in which they tell what they themselves said or thought at some point in the past or think at the time of speaking .
11 The inference is therefore that the fish is either dead or cured by the time fungus gets around to colonising it .
12 The ministers denied that de Klerk knew about the payments , arguing that prodecures at the time had not required him to know .
13 It is possible that this leakage was caused by minute perforations of the gall bladder allowing transudation of bile , that healed by the time of cholecystoscopy .
14 Fatigue contributes to the fall-off in performance that occurs as the time spent awake ( or on duty ) increases .
15 The treatment of slaves … anything and everything that happens from the time of enslavement in Africa through the Middle Passage and the final sales and treatment in bondage . ’
16 All that came from the time when Central News was transmitted from Birmingham .
17 Fifteen li north of Tongjiang , at the edge of the T'ang 's great estate , were the ruins of an ancient Buddhist monastery that dated from the time of the great Sung dynasty .
18 Hopper and Fonda were looking for finance , although all that existed at the time was an eight-page outline for the plot , which Fonda had been toting around .
19 The amount of surplus ACT included in the claim must be capable of being determined by reference to circumstances that existed at the time of the claim ( see Proctor & Gamble Ltd v Taylerson ( 1990 ) STC 624 ) .
20 On Aug. 23 the Minister of Home Affairs , S. B. Chavan , presented a bill to the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) which sought to prohibit the conversion of any place of worship that existed at the time of India 's independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 .
21 However , the reduction in railway employment was offset by the growth of activity in the Post Office , and changes in bus service employment were less than feared at the time of ‘ deregulation ’ ( 1987 ) .
22 That choice is best made in the light of the conditions that prevail at the time .
23 I can not understand how you , who appreciate so much Russian writers of the Nineteenth Century , can combine this appreciation with a complete ignorance of the obshchestvennoe dvizhenie ( liberal movement ) that started in the time of Alexander I , was conspicuously present throughout the century ( despite absolutism ) , and was deliberately played down by the Leninists and Trotskyists for propaganda reasons .
24 I expect a Public Sector Borrowing Requirement in the current financial year of £35 billion , slightly lower than projected at the time of my Autumn Statement .
25 T. Behrens gives the impression that he has more to say about himself than the progress of this mad love — to which he did not stand all that close at the time , brother as he was — has allowed him to come up with .
26 Well I think he made it clear that no jury could forget what everybody knew er which is of course er the the facts that emerged at the time er that the Birmingham Six were acquitted .
27 Dyson then went about the task of enlisting support for the organisation , a process which was successful , as can be seen from the thirty-three signatories ( including Lord Attlee , the Bishops of Birmingham and Exeter , Isaiah Berlin , Julian Huxley , Bertrand Russell ) to the letter that appeared in The Times in March 1958 .
28 If the videos are at any time broadcast for public viewing the Publisher will negotiate a residual fee which will be in line with the agreement for minimum fees that exist at the time between the Society of Authors/Writers ' Guild and ITCA/BBC .
29 On the broadcasting of the Video : A reasonable payment to be negotiated which will be in line with the agreements for terms that exist at the time between the Society of Authors and/or Writers ' Guild on the one hand and the ITCA/BBC on the other hand
30 5 If the videos are at any time broadcast for public viewing , we will negotiate a residual fee which will be in general line with the agreement for minimum fees that exist at the time between the Society of Authors/Writers ' Guild and ITCA/BBC .
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