Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Argentines do n't feed or water their horses eight hours before a match .
2 If we are prone to hyperventilating during panic attacks , and otherwise at times of increased anxiety , we must learn techniques which help us to breathe more slowly and deeply , from the stomach rather than the chest , and we may also need to rebreathe our own air , breathing into and out of a paper bag , or cupping our hands close to our mouth to catch and rebreathe the exhaled air .
3 The leader either numbers each pair or gives them names such as apple , banana , cake , or other fruit .
4 Their aim of course was not to improve the standing of unmarried mothers or to make their children happier , just to increase their numbers .
5 But stand-in skipper McAllister is confident that Leeds will bounce back in the style that made them champions last May .
6 Everywhere there was a reek of something acrid that made their eyes smart .
7 Saw , too , the tiny flecks and threads of topaz and hazel that made his eyes such a compelling and disturbing feature .
8 ‘ People have been writing them off as long as I can remember , but they love nothing better than proving their critics wrong , ’ he said .
9 ‘ People have been writing them off as long as I can remember , but they love nothing better than proving their critics wrong , ’ he said .
10 I was surprised at the violence of his remorse — after all , he had only hit me — and I remember thinking , quite irrelevantly , how much more true to life the old dramatists were than modern ones , making their characters utter loud cries and throw themselves about the stage in moments of anguish , rather than deliver their parts poker-faced , through stiff lips .
11 Better to have your own people committed to a contract rather than sacrifice their jobs arid an element of profit to an outside sub-contractor .
12 Throughout their journey they had felt little of the uneasy fear that smells danger behind every bush but despite the weariness that dulled their senses these half-seen forms of rock among the trees seemed now to imply a threatening human presence .
13 Look at the light that sends your eyes asleep … .
14 The only smile that crossed his lips all afternoon was when he saw someone knocked out .
15 She fetched antiseptic and some cotton wool , then bent towards him and dabbed at the place , a pose that brought their heads close together .
16 Roosevelt quite deliberately extended the powers of central government in order to achieve a fairer society that offered its citizens greater security .
17 These measures make Britain an employment dumping ground , a country that pays its workers low wages and offers its workers no protection .
18 Moi , " he knew from his reading , was an Annamese term derived from the Chinese word for " savage , " and looking at the dark-skinned , low-browed men , he could see they were of a different racial stock from the Annamese ; they wore only breechclouts that left their haunches naked and they grinned and chattered animatedly in their own language as they moved quickly about their work .
19 He smiled , a slow cynical twist of his lips that left his eyes empty of all emotion .
20 Banks wishing to lend less would use lower rates to broaden the spread between their lending rates and the rates they pay depositors , rather than to make their loans cheaper .
21 And with the lime and the chemicals that makes your fingers sore , what are called birds eyes .
22 Even many Christians have split lives , with a thinking faith that leaves their emotions untouched .
23 Marcus shouted from the doorway in that distinctly unfriendly tone of his and clapped his hands hard .
24 That dioceses and parishes give immediate attention to setting up schemes to encourage people to learn the organ , and make their instruments available for practice ( 598 — 601 ) .
25 Moreover — and this is generally regarded as the decisive argument — the greater will be the number among them who will be eliminated and make their votes available for transfer .
26 Unleaded petrol is now widely available and it makes sense environmentally and financially to take this easy opportunity to clean up the atmosphere , and make our cities safer places for our children .
27 Please state your waist size and make your cheques payable to : FRANK HARVEY AND Co. and send to : FRANK HARVEY AND Co .
28 One factoring company , Union Discount Commercial Finance ( UDCF ) , reorganised and relaunched its activities last year after running into problems with some of its clients .
29 Jane Brown 's gift is to vault the divide that has unfortunately grown up between architects and the rest of us and bring their drawings alive in the most agreeable and informative way .
30 The men wore leggings which revealed the shape of the calf and made their movements expressive — a distinct gain for an artist out to capture action .
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