Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There are two ways of arranging the designs , either working on each one at the same time , or completing one before moving on to the other .
2 Drop nets can also be bought or made yourself from netting available to repair prawn nets .
3 When we speak of freedom as something to be highly prized , we mean a positive power or capacity for doing or enjoying something worth doing , and that , too , something that we do or enjoy in common with others .
4 Check the prices against what you can buy or install yourself before ordering .
5 ‘ It 's the skill you 've got that really counts — the ability not to know things , or to know them without knowing that you know them .
6 As new treatments and technologies proliferate and new needs are identified these demands escalate , but even as early as 1954 , the then Minister for Health , Enoch Powell , discovered that it became a " positive ethical duty for ( providers ) to beseige and bombard the government and force or shame them into providing more money … and then more again " ( Powell 1966 ) .
7 The relevant provisions state that an employee has the right not to have action short of dismissal taken against him ‘ as an individual ’ by his employer to : prevent his belonging to an independent trade union ; or prevent him from taking part in the activities of an independent union ; or compel him to join any trade union .
8 The [ draft ] FRS therefore requires that the facilities must be committed and that there must be no reasons expected or likely which would either permit the lender to avoid his obligation to provide new borrowings or prevent him from providing them .
9 Hitherto the older waist-band had tended to slip on to the horse 's neck and either throttle him or prevent him from pulling hard ; hence the slower and less efficient ox had been generally used .
10 Or prevent you from finding inner peace ?
11 Like Matthew , we will keep creating realities which coax or provoke us into feeling anger — by being hurt , by suffering from injustice , by seeing a world full of hatred and cruelty .
12 The demand for money refers to the desire to hold money : to keep your wealth in the form of money , rather than spending it on goods and services or saving it by purchasing financial assets such as bonds or shares .
13 You are all familiar with our loyal supporters , but what about those people on the fringes who may have given a donation or done something for Save The Children in the past , but never really followed it up and there are the people who are interested who think , it 's a charity I feel I ought to support .
14 This learning difficulty has to be ‘ significantly greater … than for the majority of children of his age ’ ; or , he has to have a ‘ disability which either prevents or hinders him from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools maintained by the local education authority concerned … ’ .
15 One might , thus , fantasise the death of someone seen as a threat , or imagine oneself as possessing enormous fame or wealth .
16 He took it up in a Pauline spirit , as a reparation ; now the least of Christians ( by special grace ) but once an infidel , and even if he had not persecuted the faithful , one who scorned the Faith , he would do what he could to convert men or stop them from straying away .
17 Or stop them from ticking . ’
18 If children did visit they should be with an adult who could explain the pictures or stop them from seeing the more controversial ones .
19 She did not court disobedience or fuss them by calling .
20 This prompts you for the input range and you type this in or select it by pointing .
21 Director Chris Pond said : ‘ People will be faced with difficult choices , such as whether to use water for baths , or save it for cooking or to water the flower pots . ’
22 The temptation for the rich nations will be to avoid or limit them by deferring expenditures on pre-emptive measures which will add up at home to taxes , higher energy costs and technology transfers to poor countries striving to compete with the donors .
23 But it is still a passive role and , while many major figures in sport express a sense of responsibility for black youth , none actively encourage or discourage them from following their examples .
24 They could either become clients of European nations , or resist them by adopting European ideas and methods ; in either case the cultural dominance of Europe was implied .
25 And if you 're leaving the boat at moorings , do n't forget to either take the engine home with you , LOCKED in the boot of your car , or secure it by chaining it to the mast or inside the cabin .
26 I appreciate that the number of cases in which the taker and driver away is not the driver who goes on to cause personal injury or damage will be comparatively few , but I ask my right hon. Friend whether it is necessary to make such a draconian change in the traditional principles of British law , or to do it by reversing the normal burden of proof .
27 If the wife can so easily dispose of this property , it may be that her husband will coax or bully her into parting with it to him or to his creditors , and so it allows her a privilege which no other grown-up person of sound mind in the country can enjoy .
28 A hearing may be adjourned if either you or the Council say anything to the Committee , or produce something in writing which the other did not know about beforehand , and it is so important that you or the Council want time to think about it before proceeding .
29 Cessation of growth is most likely to result from starvation , which may arise because : the whelks eat out their food supply , or the supply fails for some other reason ( perhaps as a result of pollution Bryan ( 1969 ) ; wave action dislodges the whelks and transports them away from their food supply , or prevents them from feeding in some other way ( Cowell and Crothers , 1970 ) ; the temperature drops so low that the whelks become inactive for a long period ( Feare , 1970a ) .
30 Timing is good ; this tends to be particularly noticeable in recordings such as the Keith Jarrett interpretation of Bach 's Goldberg Variations , which has superbly organic style that is pulled this way and that , but which never spoils the music or prevents it from working .
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