Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This rule may help to keep clear the distinction between those interventions which seek to challenge the structural conditions under which racist discourses are directly or indirectly reproduced , and those strategies which aim to interrupt their circulation in specific micro-contexts , and/or introduce alternative story lines .
2 The end labelled probe was mixed with 20µg of protein extract which had been preincubated with 5µg poly ( d ( I-C ) ) and single stranded or doubled stranded competitor DNA .
3 And , by reforming the health insurance market , my plan assures that Americans will have access to basic health insurance even if they change jobs or develop serious health problems .
4 First , it should mean — but it does not — that decisions which do not bear on or affect other Member States should remain with the nation state or below .
5 With accruals accounting , of course , postponing or bringing forward cash payments or receipts has no effect .
6 Whether handing over stretches , or allowing light railway lines to be built alongside BR lines , it insists on running special training programmes for the LRT workers to ensure their security on the track .
7 Anyway , when it all gets too much and you ca n't bear the thought of writing another Christmas card or eating another mince pie just sit down and have a quiet read of your NCT newsletter !
9 Since my own cancer , I have met or heard many cancer sufferers who appear to see ‘ God ’ as a help in their affliction .
10 Pat Palmer is asking everyone to co–operate — if you have not yet filled in a pink form or given verbal class details to your Area Organiser will you please forward these details to the Office by early August so that we can have a comprehensive up-to-date class list ready to meet all enquiries for the new season .
11 Pat Palmer is asking everyone to co-operate — if you have not yet filled in a pink form or given verbal class details to your Area Organiser will you please forward these details to the Office by early August so that we can have a comprehensive up-to-date class list ready to meet all enquiries for the new season .
12 The highlighted section is ready to be cut , copied or given special text attributes and styles .
13 sliced raw mushroom dipped in lemon juice and a slice of lean ham ; or a slice of lean ham , chopped and mixed with 2 tablespoons plain virtually fat-free fromage frais and 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard , on a bed of shredded red cabbage ; or diced cooked chicken breast , diced red or green pepper , a chopped pineapple ring , 1 teaspoon tomato purée ; all mixed with enough plain virtually fat-free yoghurt to moisten ; or bread spread with tomato purée topped with shredded lettuce and lean , grilled back bacon — visible fat removed .
14 They are capable of moving rapidly across the battlefield in a very short time , either to intercept enemy or to harass static war machines .
15 In addition , adventurers who failed the T test must make a Cl test or gain 1 Insanity Point as well .
16 Anyone in the room must make a successful Cl test or gain 1 Insanity Point as a result of witnessing this event .
17 9.1 The Tenant shall assume the right of the Landlord to grant the Lease and shall not require any evidence of or raise any objection requisition or inquiry in respect of the Landlord 's title to the Site [ or the Premises ]
18 This makes any comparative analysis of data recorded at different times or using different aggregation units problematical .
19 There was also a presumption that a notice would not be issued that was wider than necessary or involved excessive compliance costs .
20 There has been no need to supplement the Chair 's VDU with printers or copiers or to provide expensive video projection or multiple large-screen monitors to allow the whole Committee to view such data .
21 Decisions to award generous executive bonuses or to provide plush executive dining rooms and executive parking places tell the old story of entrepreneurial heroism .
22 Borland has no plans to downgrade its Dbase and Paradox database efforts or to encourage these database users to migrate to InterBase .
23 In November 1990 , the Government conceded that the Immigration ( Carriers Liability ) Act and associated visa requirements ‘ do indeed prevent some asylum seekers from coming to the UK ’ , but further stated that it ‘ has no obligation to encourage or assist would-be asylum seekers … to come here and enter our procedures ’ .
24 We also need to reduce our borrowings so that in the future we shall have the financial flexibility to make further acquisitions or fund major capital projects .
25 These types of account normally have more extensive overdraft facilities or involve smaller overdraft charges .
26 Even the most well-intentioned and politically sensitive non-governmental organizations found themselves supporting projects which in the long term strengthened individuals rather than communities , unrealistically raised expectations or created unintended dependency relationships .
27 The Corporation may at its own option repair reinstate or replace such motor car or any part thereof or its accessories or spare parts or may pay in cash the amount of the loss or damage .
28 Grants can be made to assist members in cases of illness or convalescence , to provide money for necessary holidays , to tide over temporary financial difficulties , or to meet other emergency situations .
29 Firms may also make provision for bridging loans or provide temporary mortgage facilities .
30 The fact that a child is weaned early ( or undergoes a period of separation , or has minimal brain damage , or loses a parent through death ) will not by itself tell one about the eventual outcome .
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