Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or remain to stare down the reflection of his own fear ?
2 Professionals have a choice between imposing ‘ appropriate ’ needs on their clients or attempting to break down the latters ' 'dein-dividualisation' ( e.g. as an unemployed person , as a schizophrenic etc. ) and assisting ‘ real ’ needs to be collectively voiced .
3 Do not be aggressive or start laying down the law about your rights .
4 there was coincidental positive reinforcement that indicated shutting down the no. 2 engine was the correct course of action .
5 The mortar men were not trained as Heavy Weapons Troops would be later in the war , but this did not prevent Sergeant Ramsey from getting off a bomb that appeared to go down the hotel chimney , reportedly causing a dozen or more casualties .
6 ‘ It 's got to be better than trying to abseil down the outside .
7 The rebirth of an underground implies induction , being drawn into shared exile , being both insider and outsider ; rather than trying to break down the doors to edify the unconverted .
8 Even if the black hole did emit the right kinds of particles , one could not tell if they were actually the same particles that had gone down the other hole .
9 And after as many tender words as he could think of , to try and lighten the load , to try and make it seem less of a confession , even to try and compensate for the shared and shaming confidence , he told Fergus that he had been responsible for the fire that had burned down the barn near Port Ann , fifteen years earlier .
10 Or bits that have gone down the wrong way ?
11 There was an obvious danger in such a situation — the danger that concern to keep down the compensation bill would affect the ministry 's judgement of the planning merits of particular cases .
12 In the first year of the war Havelock Wilson repeatedly stressed the cooperation which had existed between the German merchant marine and the NSFU , cast doubt on stories of German atrocities and sought to play down the extremes of anti-German hysteria which had broken out .
13 She ran from him , nightmare panic making her breathing and heartbeat echo down the long tree-lined path until she saw the moon shining through a stained-glass window of the garden of Eden .
14 He stopped trembling as quickly as he had begun a moment before and seemed to withdraw down the dark passage to the daydream he was locked in when they first arrived .
15 The huge man whose belly flowed over his belt and seemed to cascade down the front of his trousers pointed with the cane .
16 Sawney raised his claymore in both hands and prepared to bring down the hilt .
17 As they reached the corner of Woodbine Close , Dudley Ford emerged from his front door and came striding down the garden path with Sinbad snuffling at his heels .
18 She believes we must all recognise and come to terms with our own ageism and seek to break down the barriers to understanding .
19 ‘ The fire has been lit and allowed to die down a couple of times — and I once smelt the stuff . ’
20 In a little while the Wheel would be set alight , released from its cradle and allowed to trundle down the slope , gathering momentum .
21 Later that afternoon , there was an inspection of the course , and while sideslipping down behind Mueller I was amazed to seen him remove his skis and begin walking down the course , an activity known as ‘ bootpacking ’ .
22 The rioters killed many deer , and threatened to pull down the palings of the park , so that the Earl of Holland , as Chief Justice of the Forest , obtained authority for the sheriff of Berkshire to raise the power of the county to apprehend the rioters .
23 The yellow dog barked excitedly and shook himself ; he shoved his nose into his dish and began gulping down the food in huge , hungry bites .
24 These rapidly accumulated round the fissure , building up into a conical heap , and then , as more and more new material emerged from the fissures , lava flows were erupted and began to stream down the ski-slopes .
25 A little boy came out of the woods opposite and began skiing down the slope towards the road .
26 Chola and Mina set out for the fields to continue the millet harvest , and Kalchu fetched the flat wooden spade and began beating down the mud to repair the leaking roof .
27 We crash to the ground and roll fighting down the slope .
28 It will be open on Thursday from 10am-4pm and aims to break down the family , work and leisure isolation problems of people with hearing difficulties .
29 These matters should be sorted out before assuming that the conversation is impossible , and starting to write down the information one wants to communicate .
30 It says that recent years have seen a transformation in Britain 's manufacturing base , and it condemns those who do not recognise it and continue to run down the achievements of British industry .
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