Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is important for national courts to use all proper aids to the interpretation of Community legal texts ( such as the preamble ) even if they are not accustomed or allowed to do the same in relation to their own national texts .
2 Widows will talk of being acutely aware of the gap by their side when they are used to being viewed as one of a couple ( obviously couples who divorce or separate feel the same ) .
3 Such human needs will range from the basic ones for security , which are threatened when other members of an organization wish to close part of the operation down or attempt to perform the same operations with fewer personnel , to the need for self-realization , which may be threatened by extreme specialization and limited capabilities within the division of labour perceived by those in authority to be necessary for the maximization of their objectives ( which will invariably be presented as the goals of ‘ the organization ’ ) .
4 There is also a system of ‘ networking ’ where women are put in touch with others who are having or have had the same experience .
5 Of all the elements that go to make up the accident causation system , the one that has received the least attention in residential areas is the design of the road network itself .
6 It is certain , though , that the constructivism that has received the most attention in psychology and philosophy has been the developmental theory of Jean Piaget .
7 The island is seen as a microcosm of the world and this is part of Golding 's style that has remained the same throughout the book .
8 Clinton has also promised a renewed American effort to end the crisis that has turned the former Yugoslavia into a horrific centre of conflict and atrocities .
9 Much of it was used to contain cremations or as accessory vessels in inhumation graves ; it is the funerary pottery that has attracted the most attention .
10 It is what it is , it 's just another record that happens to have the same people on it as ‘ Harvest ’ …
11 But you could have er , be er could now be referring to a different row that happens to have the same numbers in .
12 Inner Cities Minister Sir George Young announced that plans to develop the former Herculaneum Dock in south Liverpool will get government backing .
13 What is the nature of the relationship between proper names and descriptive referential phrases that happen to designate the same objects ?
14 An education report that appears to support the former theory is a pussyfooting piece of dangerous nonsense , says John Rae . ’
15 Four years after a deaf , blind mentally handicapped woman was found dead in the squalor of her own home , a new register has been launched that hopes to stop the same thing ever happening again .
16 Early in the fourth century the struggles that had occurred intermittently between the Roman state and the Christian Church ended with the latter proving the stronger , partly as a result of the military upheavals that had threatened the former in the middle of the previous century .
17 The first characteristic of any mammal that seeks to make the most of this abundant harvest is sufficient lightness to climb and move about among the slenderest and highest branches .
18 ‘ We 're saying that the plates had passengers on them and it is these pieces of flotsam and jetsam , not the crustal plates , that have made the most impact on land formation , ’ Blake says .
19 That is , the results shown in Fig. 5.7 may occur because rats generalize readily between stimuli that have had the same consequence in prior training ; but equally it may be that they generalize less readily between stimuli that have had differing consequences ; or both processes may be operating .
20 After dinner they had got lost , because Betty had fallen asleep and failed to note the few signposts and correlate them with the route on the map .
21 Drawing on North American experience , the Commission concluded that ‘ poor management was an important contributory factor to New York 's problems ’ , and sought to apply the same lessons here ( p. 2 ) .
22 The villain who was the occasion of my ruin and disgrace , and has imparted the self-same treatment on many others of my sex , is considered by the world as a man of unspotted honour .
23 This is the 11th edition of the book first published in 1953 and has retained the same structure as the original .
24 He returns to the same circumstances as before , to associate with the same peer group , and starts behaving the same way as before .
25 The conceptual requirements are to be clear and exact in our use of these and subsidiary terms , and to confront and seek to resolve the many and often contentious value issues which each of them raises .
26 What we can not do is ask questions about sub-areas of the cerebral cortex , for example the striate cortex of primates , and expect to get the same answers from studies on different groups .
27 Er they get rather sulky and offended to say the least , they get er , often they recruit academics and lawyers to say that the memories of abuse are fabricated , the memories of abuse they could n't really have happened because the people concerned were out of the country at the time and were on holiday anyway and er did n't even meet the family until the kid was eleven years old after it was sup and so on and so forth .
28 ‘ Then you came into my life and tried to do the same thing !
29 The girl threw caution to the wind and tried to make the most of every minute via sex , drink , numerous abortions , and late-night revels .
30 Cleveland police have studied the Derby operation and hope to use the same type of scheme .
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