Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] the first " in BNC.

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1 The group of researchers that has seen the first indications of a Z particle is code named UA1 , and is one of the two teams that reported the evidence for the W particle earlier this year .
2 IN humility it should probably be mentioned that having overcome the first two rounds of the Darlington and District 5s and 3s knock out , feckless Falchion B have finally succumbed .
3 The invention of the tank and the aircraft broke through the defensive stalemate that had characterised the first world war .
4 The managing director of the bank that had advanced the first £20,000 was willing , the board , influenced by Niki 's grandfather , was n't .
5 They dragged me to the Police Station where I had to make a detailed statement of everything that had happened the first time intercourse took place .
6 Many of the enterprises that have survived the first year of reform are still at risk .
7 Not to mention a rapid passing on of mortgage cuts to bedraggled flocks of existing homeowners ; who are less than thrilled to see the first helping of crumbs go in instant cheap deals to first-time buyers .
8 One of the new generation of non-English church leaders in Australia , he led the campaign for Anglican women priests , and planned to ordain the first in Melbourne next year .
9 In his lunch breaks Doisneau pored over books on photography , and at weekends he set off alone with a heavy wooden camera and tripod to capture the first of the ‘ personal ’ photographs that would be the basis of his life 's work .
10 In later years he was once asked whether he , who was shy , was anguished when forced to go out visiting homes in Liverpool and to try to make the first touch with a strange family .
11 While remaining guarded about the exact type of operation Shadowfax is considering , the partners are currently looking at sites and expect to open the first one within the year .
12 As they reached the trees they heard a wild burst of cheering and turned to see the first tongues of flame licking up the walls of the cainca .
13 Misreading the clues , they head off in completely the wrong direction and manage to become the first people ever to get shipwrecked on one of the islands of Derwentwater .
14 When she returned to the table and began scooping the first of the curd into a mould , they felt her eyes burning into them , all three of them .
15 After a meal which bore sumptuous witness to the Riverside Country House Hotel 's reputation for reasonably priced and lovingly prepared local game and produce , we soaked in the charming 17th Century atmosphere and began to plan the first of our walks .
16 After a meal which bore sumptuous witness to the Riverside Country House Hotel 's reputation for reasonably priced and lovingly prepared local game and produce , we soaked in the charming 17th Century atmosphere and began to plan the first of our walks .
17 The 1844 Report hints however that there had been some decline in standards at the lower end of the School , and urged that " prior to admission the Boys should be able to read and write and have learned the first principles of English grammar .
18 Mika Enberg , ICL 's TeamWare product marketing manager says ICL began seeking US partners three months ago and hopes to sign the first in three or four months .
19 Moore is said to have been a pioneer in producing a periodical for seamen , the Mariners ' Journal , which was published briefly between 185I and 1854 , and to have advocated the first system of paid shore based officials to look after the interests of their members while they were at sea .
20 The alluvial marsh was supposed to have been the site of an ancient royal swannery , and to have contributed the first syllable to the name Swanwic , mentioned in Domesday , though Old English ‘ swan ’ appears to derive from swineherd .
21 Coleridge had worked intensely , under Southey 's close scrutiny , to prepare the lectures , and had written the first at a single sitting between midnight and breakfast-time on the day it was delivered .
22 Rhiannon Petts weighed just one pound three ounces at birth and had to spend the first nine months of her life in hospital .
23 Viscount Melbourne became Prime Minister in July 1835 , but by the end of that year , it was necessary for the Duke of Wellington to become Prime Minister for a short period , followed for about one year by Sir Robert Peel , who had been Home Secretary and had introduced the first Police Force , enrolling men who soon became known as ‘ Peelers ’ or ‘ Bobbies ’ , after the founder .
24 It was where Diana was born and had spent the first fourteen years of her life .
25 She lived in the house where my mother had been born and had spent the first seventeen years of her life , up until the time she was married .
26 The first letter is very probably authentic , the second probably forged and intended to reinforce the first letter .
27 But having collected the first item on Alex Ferguson 's spring shopping list they hope it will prove to be the lever to rid themselves of a 25-year burden .
28 Their main argument is that the World Cup should move around on a rotational basis , but having staged the first three tournaments , other countries have some catching up to do before it returns to these shores .
29 I 've written the whole section as an identical pattern of pull-offs ( with one note in parentheses , because I think that 's what Cliff was aiming for , but missed getting the first lick on string 1 to sound out — there were no drop-ins on recording sessions in 1956 ! ) .
30 But I soon learnt to get those cows out without messing up my nice clean cow shed , what we used to do , because wanting to get the first one out very quietly , I used to put my hand on the tail , press the tail to the backside and push her out !
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