Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] do the same " in BNC.

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1 Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz expressed his country 's readiness to destroy its chemical weapons stocks on condition that Israel did the same and also signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty , to which Iraq was already a party .
2 Thus " an experienced woman worker " told her that men do the same work as women in many cases and at different rates , but there are certain parts of the work that women never do , such for instance as the lifting of the " formes " and " chases " .
3 Blake noticed that people used more than words when they communicated with each other , and realised that horses did the same .
4 As the anthropologists whom he had read had used poetry to exemplify various rituals , so Eliot does the same with an ironic bite .
5 ( Remember Dupin being able to tell his friend step by step just what his silent train of thought had been , and Holmes doing the same to Watson . )
6 The plaintiff 's solicitors must make regular checks ( and it is a good idea for the defendant 's insurers and solicitors to do the same ) on the wage rates at regular intervals , and not only on the rates for the job that the plaintiff would have been doing but the rate for any job into which he might have been promoted but for the accident .
7 And Morse did the same , feeling for a few small moments an intense and splendid happiness .
8 On the other hand , the two British entries , Richardson and Hynds , worked together to take a substantial win in men 's K1 with Hemmings and Gilby doing the same thing in the ladies ' K1 event in a field of only three .
9 Are we truly prepared to offer no model of co-operating nations sinking their differences to achieve greater security , or are we prepared to live with a Europe that is increasingly fragmented , where nations ' first demand on sovereignty is to equip themselves with weapons to tackle or to defend themselves from new nations on their own borders that have the same heightened state of frenzy and determination to do the same ?
10 Thus Moses passes on the Spirit of the Lord to Joshua ( Deut. 34:9 ) and Elijah does the same to Elisha ( 2 Kgs. 2:9,10,15 ) .
11 As everyone feasted themselves Mum went round with the drink , pouring out gin and whisky or stout as they preferred , making sure to test them all as she did so , while Dad and Fred did the same with the ale .
12 Charles produced a panel of twelve commissioners ( one of them was Nithard ) and Louis did the same .
13 I remembered my own boyhood watching cavalrymen sticking tent pegs at the gymkhanas , and tried knights on shining white chargers , complete with shining white bascinets , breastplates , leg armour and gauntlets doing the same thing to my inside , but they never really filled the role .
14 We we saw him come on against Birmingham about a month or so ago and save that penalty and it 's ironic that that 's how Nigel Spinks started at at Villa was n't it when he came on for Jimmy Rimmer and if Bosnich does the same job as what Nigel 's done over the past ten years then no one 's going to argue .
15 Hopes of a US-EC compromise were revived on Jan. 21 after Andriessen promised in Washington , following a meeting with the US Representative for Trade Negotiations , Carla Hills , that the EC was prepared to come forward with specific amendments to the Dunkel plan if the USA and Japan did the same .
16 He would provide food for his visitor and Gina did the same for hers .
17 ‘ I see , ’ she said and then she bowed , very slightly , and Rose and Grace did the same and then all three moved out of the drawing-room , upright and daunting .
18 And Paul did the same for the churches he founded , handing down the Christian tradition not impersonally but as inherited truth within the context of relationship .
19 She accepted hers , and Laura did the same .
20 R and N worked together — D and A did the same .
21 In our study , gender was taken account of in the selection of workshops : we studied workshops with men only , with women only , workshops where men and women did the same work and were paid at the same rate , and those where the sexes did different jobs and men were paid more than women .
22 He was reported to have said that Pakistan had in 1991 frozen production of highly enriched uranium , meeting one of the US demands , but would only destroy its weapons cores if India did the same .
23 These Christians look for signs of satanic influence within families and encourage friends and colleagues to do the same .
24 It 's funny because Dinda does the same thing .
25 At the finish the Hungarians outsprinted the Belgians while Ballard/Slater did the same to Williams/Martin a couple of minutes later .
27 When England did the same in 1752 we lost 11 days .
28 Juliet felt rather embarrassed when Nigel did the same , holding her body against his , while his hands moved suggestively over her hips , his mouth seeking hers .
29 Evidently this belonged to the couple , for they settled down as though at home and made no objection when Hazel did the same .
30 These ‘ would seem to have been traditional at the time , for Ormandy did the same in his Philadelphia recording .
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