Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] look [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Early or semi-retired people or housewives looking for a break often welcome a different four walls and a fresh interest .
2 It is most unlikely that a mother or father looking at a new-born child will be saying : — ‘ We have here a potential villain , who could , in a few years time be getting a living by robbery , violence or some other criminal activity .
3 Where Lewis looked at the world around him , even when he was writing autobiography , Leavis looked ever more attentively at himself .
4 In the rush for funds or to exploit the fusion fanaticism , few had the time or inclination to look beyond the surface and see the shaky foundations beneath .
5 Jones & Smith looks like a simple theft case and the defendants should be so charged .
6 To a large extent that ideology looked to the Roman past .
7 Just as PageMaker provides almost infinite control over each element of each page so Ventura looks after the complete document .
8 Except that place looks like a looks like a .
9 In his opening address to delegates , De Marco said that people looked to the UN for moral and political guidance for a resolution of the Gulf crisis .
10 The envelope he found that morning looked like a reply from Viola .
11 Some who went to the surgery thought that Daisy looked like an animal herself , moving sometimes like a slow marmalade cat , other times like a bustling sheep dog-for she was a woman of moods — and seeming to combine the best and worst qualities of each .
12 Even if subject searches are initiated at the catalogue , it has been found that users look for a shelf number location and proceed to the shelves to continue their subject search.1536 The inadequacies of library catalogues in supporting subject access have thus been tolerable because of the open-access tradition of Anglo-American libraries , which encourages the direct shelf approach for subject searching .
13 It was contended that purchasers looking for a good-quality carpet would go to a conventional carpet shop and not to a carpet superstore which they considered was more applicable to the lower end of the market .
14 We went into Julia 's room , and Holmes looked at the windows carefully .
15 The attempt by the power behind his throne , Warwick — now duke of Northumberland — to secure the succession for his strongly Protestant daughter-in-law Lady Jane Grey was a dismal failure ; and England was now ruled by the Catholic Mary Tudor , then in her late thirties , married to Philip of Spain , and therefore potentially capable of establishing a Catholic dynasty which would make Henry VIII , Somerset and Northumberland look like a temporary aberration .
16 Some people see this as the natural progression for the martial art to take ; purists and traditionalists look upon the changes with disdain .
17 He was gone , and Morse looked around the area somewhat fecklessly .
18 He was like a man who has made one step forward into unknown territory and stands looking for a path .
19 Men like Jeremiah and Ezekiel looked for the day when God would forge a new covenant , or agreement , with men .
20 Bessey was sceptical of the whole approach as little more than revived natural history , and , in order to convince him that scientific ecology was possible , Clements and Pound looked for a method of quantifying their studies .
21 Paul Cadd looks like David Batty ( before the haircut ) , and Halvard looks like a bouncer from a Norwegian trawler .
22 They sat for hours drinking tea in Mrs. Mounce 's flat downstairs , while Mrs. Mounce talked about her affairs with moustached men in export-import , and Tessa looked at the little bit here and the little bit there which Mrs. Mounce had done herself to brighten her own place up .
23 Wallace and Deane look like the ideal combination as once they start passing to wallace it makes space for deane to also run into space so give HIM the variety too .
24 Also Haddock has had to quit and Sterland looks like a long term crock .
25 Also Haddock has had to quit and Sterland looks like a long term crock .
26 For US television , on the other hand , competition for the same audience within the same time-slot drives producers and planners to look for the new exploitation angle which will differentiate their product within the market , propelling genres and conventions along the track of transformation and mutation .
27 Twoflower and Hrun looked around the little hollow where they had made their noonday halt .
28 It characterises movers and movements to look at the propensity and timing of moves in relation to some of the social and demographic factors underlying geographic movement .
29 She was consoled , too , to have them in her house where they made an uncommon amount of noise and were certainly not easy guests but their beaming countenances and determination to look on the bright side of everything lightened the atmosphere immensely .
30 But if KaDeWe looks like the others inside , there is something very different about it outside .
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