Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] who [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 First , the lists mention only those performers singers , dancers , or instrumentalists who appeared on stage , but not any musicians who may have been placed elsewhere .
2 During the initial development of root definitions these factors should be considered in systems terms only , otherwise the analyst may just relate them to the subject organisation , overlooking other individuals or groups who contribute to the system as defined .
3 A boy or girl who appears to be rejecting parental values may be developing in a more healthy and normal way than one who follows the parent 's party line and gives no trouble .
4 The small tradesmen or shopkeepers who made up most Boards of Guardians throughout the period were unlikely to resist such pressure since their elections to the Boards depended upon the ratepayers .
5 The thing that made Lee Marvin such a perfect rogue is that , despite all the stories of his being drunk on the set and causing producers to have palpitations , there is probably no single director or actor who worked with him who did n't think the world of him .
6 No man wants to come home from the war to a wife or sweetheart who shows in her face how much she has worried about him .
7 or Martin who walks through that door .
8 ( 2 ) 5.18(2) confers the right on an applicant , licence-holder , objector or complainer who appeared at the hearing to request that the board give their reasons for their decision in writing .
9 Modernisation came mainly through the activities of foreigners or Serbs who returned from exile .
10 A recent Private Member 's Bill in the UK seeks to introduce sanctions against persons or organisations who engage in financial dealings with tax havens .
11 The module owner is generally the person or organisation who pays for the module ( or modules ) to be developed , although this user has no specific LIFESPAN privileges .
12 The module owner is generally the person or organisation who pays for the module ( or modules ) to be developed , although this user has no specific LIFESPAN privileges .
13 Ex abundante cautela , the Act goes on to provide that ‘ no physician ’ or other who complies with the directive ‘ shall be subject to civil liability therefrom ’ or ‘ shall be guilty of any criminal act or of unprofessional conduct ’ .
14 ‘ The Army provides excellent training for a young man or woman who wants to be a caterer , particularly a military caterer , ’ said Colonel Wilkinson .
15 A man or woman who dies without making a will is intestate .
16 The value of anticipatory mourning has been proved in hospital work , where patients who know in advance that they are going to have an operation which entails the loss of a breast , a testicle or a limb have an opportunity to talk before the operation about their fears and anxieties .
17 R.24(2) confirms , for the avoidance of doubt , that a solicitor or RFL who participates in a recognised body remains personally subject to all the requirements of conduct affecting solicitors .
18 picket , or people who come to our lectures that the rainforest campaign , we could be meeting thousands of people we do n't normally see , so we 've tried to produce an information package that will get them interested .
19 In occupation they were mostly either farmers or people who worked in agriculture-related industries .
20 Even people who help us to keep our homes clean such as home helps , or people who work in day centres , also call us their ‘ clients ’ .
21 If someone has had an accident in their home , fallen and injured themselves or been taken ill , they may not be able to attract the attention of neighbours , passers-by or people who call at the door .
22 Or people who belong to other clubs .
23 The seven leading candidates have shunned firm manifesto proposals in favour of vague attacks on foreign creditors or elites who benefit from Brazil 's crippling income disparities .
24 It is helpful to bear in mind that the persons affected by insider dealing who may seek civil remedies are : companies in whose shares insider dealing has taken place ; shareholders of those companies ; or outsiders who trade with insiders .
25 Requests are often received from Doctors , Hospitals , Social Workers , or from a friend or neighbour who knows of someone who may benefit from the service .
26 The result was that sometimes members of the family or others who went to her for help came away empty-handed , however great their needs or deserts might be ; Addy never used need as a yardstick But on the other side of the medal were the occasions , such as this one , when she volunteered something you 'd never have dreamed of asking for , and you were free to accept it because you knew she 'd be disappointed , not relieved , if you refused .
27 The schools themselves could never have flourished so significantly without the presence in the town ( at roughly the same time as Gratian ) of the great father-figure of the Roman law school , Irnerius , and the group of glossators or commentators who gathered under him .
28 Well one of the aspects that I have been looking at is erm the impact of technical change on women 's position in the rural areas , and particularly as it concerns women who belong to landless households , or women who belong to small peasant cultivator households .
29 I think they 're old-fashioned , for older women , or women who work in the city , not for girls .
30 The following type of story might be told by the best man , a friend , or groom who works in the bride 's family business :
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