Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] then [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the line wriggles or curves then the movement is towards the tighter curves .
2 In the event of the Publisher receiving from other parties payments for exploitation of the Work in any other form or manner then the Publisher shall pay the Author a portion to be based on the Publisher 's net receipts from such other parties .
3 In the event of the Publisher receiving from other parties payments for exploitation of the Work in any other form or manner then the Publisher shall pay the Company a portion to be negotiated on the basis of the Publisher 's net receipts from such other parties .
4 Assuming for now that the cause of death is known and that there is no need for an inquest or autopsy then the death certificate is next taken to the Registrar for Births , Deaths and Marriages .
5 The wording provides a wide comprehensive cover and unless the claim presented is ruled out by one of the Policy Exceptions ( discussed below ) or is not due to an external accident or fortuity then every consideration should be given for settlement of the claim .
6 The wording provides a wide comprehensive cover and unless the claim presented is ruled out by one of the Policy Exceptions ( discussed below ) or is not due to an external accident or fortuity then every consideration should be given for settlement of the claim .
7 If people are born heterosexual or homosexual then the concept of ‘ promotion ’ is irrelevant .
8 If real product wages rise more slowly than productivity then the profit share rises .
9 So it will be with industry if the money was needed to make good the other deficiencies of sales potential and management then the scheme will fail .
10 Patients chose oxygen twice in 12 cases , no preference then oxygen in 1 case , and oxygen then no preference in 1 case ( p<0.001 , binomial distribution ) .
11 If , on the other hand , there are alternative sources of information and advice then the monopoly position of the official will be undermined .
12 If you give in to bullying and threats then the bully wins and ‘ Wrong ’ has defeated ‘ Right ’ .
13 If you 've got a spouse and children then the spouse is going to get household goods and personal effects , the ordinary everyday things in the house and the first seventy five thousand pounds .
14 If this is in a country other than the Netherlands and Belgium then the burden borne by their consumers is not reflected in their gross contributions .
15 If the public ( and opinion formers among scientific journalists ) have reliable information about the evidence of efficacy for methods of diagnosis and treatment then the public need not be deceived by quacks and sincere practitioners will have an incentive to validate their methods by appropriate clinical trials .
16 Once ( I ) and ( 2 ) have been established by observation and induction then the prediction ( 3 ) can be deduced from them .
17 If the receipt is distributed to shareholders as dividends then the capital base of the business has been eroded .
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