Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] at the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In the summer of 1918 he began to devote more time to the club in between duties at the arms factory in Barnbow , but , perhaps sensing that trouble was brewing , he suddenly resigned as secretary-manager on 16 December to go into full-time industrial management with Joseph Watson & Sons at the Olympia oil and cake works in Selby .
2 Williams doubts whether he was really influenced by his teachers or contemporaries at the Slade .
3 Teaching at a kindergarten , looking after an American baby boy and sharing a flat with three other girls is by no means as stimulating as meeting Anwar Sadat , President of Egypt , or dining at the White House .
4 There was a difficulty ahead ; there is no inn or hotel at the Ness .
5 It was recognised that the exclusive pursuit of higher things was very likely to be unremunerative except in certain of the more saleable arts , and even then prosperity would come only in mature years : the poor student or young artist , as private tutor or guest at the Sunday dinner-table , was a recognised subaltern part of the bourgeois family , at any rate in those parts of the world in which culture was highly respected .
6 Hardly surprising that meetings at the DoH have been know to take a different turn from that envisaged by civil servants .
7 A spokewoman for the director 's office said that security at the Ashmolean Museum was approved by government security advisors and was constantly under review .
8 I can say that security at the Skinnergate branch is under review because of this . ’
9 This is the moment that the group , believed to be a family , helped themselves to jewellery worth more than £3,000 at the Hatton House Jewellers in Bletchley .
10 Even so , I was throwing in a certain amount of text in an attempt to build an entire justification for the picture , so that exhibition at the Tate was a display of areas of interest rather than paintings .
11 An earlier study had shown that patients at the Glasgow clinic did not contain a higher proportion of smokers than did Renfrew-Paisley controls .
12 So many people were interested in the bridal outfits that staff at the Liphook shop are thinking of extending into the hire business for formal special occasion wear .
13 He says that staff at the DSS count the aid trip as a holiday , and wo n't pay him while he 's out of the country .
14 I am advised that doctors at the Queen Elizabeth II hospital have confirmed that Carley could not have been transferred when the hospital test results showed that she had meningitis and the test results were available within one hour of Carley 's admission .
15 The Basquiat show was turned down by other major US museums , although attendance at the Whitney rose 20% while the exhibition was up .
16 The lamp was tried by Buddle and Davy at the Hebburn colliery on 1 January , 1816 , with good results .
17 Mrs Mandela and Mrs Falati are on bail pending appeal against their conviction and sentence at the Rand Supreme Court for their part in the abduction and assault of 14-year-old Stompie Seipei , a township activist later found dead in the bush near Soweto .
18 Spontaneous combustion in a yellow shirt is one of the kinder expressions applicable to England striker Wright 's appalling bickering and back-chat at The Dell .
19 While in the United States the unfolding tale of corruption and mismanagement at the EPA has tended to focus on the usual mainstays of White House interference and ‘ sweet-heart ’ deals with past industrial employers , little attention has been paid to the Lysenkoist assaults of the Reagan administration on the EPA 's scientific integrity .
20 Indeed you can visit the house where he was born , see one of his plays at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre , or a contemporary performance at the Swan Theatre , see an exhibition of his life and times at the Shakespeare Centre and visit the picturesque home of his wife , Anne Hathaway .
21 The distraught parents of a young Army ambulance driver have also told of their grief and horror at the IRA bombing of the Belfast military hospital in which their son died .
22 The Scholtz Twins , a brother and sister musical act , was also on the bill and Rose and Bernie shared the same theatrical lodgings with Noreen and Maria at the Benson Theatre Home from Home off Vine Street .
23 After he had come to collect her at the flat they joined a party of junior officers and debutantes at the Haymarket Theatre to see Pygmalion by the fashionable playwright George Bernard Shaw .
24 Name the famous golf club and course at the Virginia Water .
25 It has proved of benefit when used against herpes viruses or viral hepatitis for example , and researchers at the MRC 's Common Cold Unit in Wiltshire have shown that it can provide effective protection against colds .
26 Christina Forrest will head a team of market analysts and researchers at the TEC 's Fareham offices .
27 Venice itself has everything from a ‘ Bellini cocktail ’ at Harry 's bar , to fruit and vegetables at the Rialto market ; exclusive designer wear can be found in the boutiques along the Mercerie .
28 He left for a light supper with Butch and Caduta at the Cicero .
29 The staff all have additional commitments such as development education , and research at the Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies and at the Southern African Political and Economic Series .
30 Is the Minister aware that the case for expanded production and investment at the Dalzell plate mill in Lanarkshire is now backed by the Glasgow university study , the Scottish Office , the Scottish Trade Union Congress , the Scottish National party and Motherwell district council , all of whom believe that it is an outstanding plant , given the requisite investment , with a ready market for its enlarged product ?
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