Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [was/were] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Tanzanians were brought up with their own musical , dance and oral traditions but at school or college were taught the language , culture and even the history of the colonial power .
2 If less reliable prostheses or techniques were used the cost at 10 years would be over three times as much .
3 If , in accordance with the view I have just expressed , such a person or firm were given the right to apply immediately the notice was served for it to be rescinded , this remedy might well be of no effect if a press notice was issued at the time of service of the intervention notice , as was done in this case .
4 A plot or land was reckoned the normal basis of the feudal contract , and this notion was never lost sight of , however common the domestic knight and the vassal who held a money fief might become ( see pp. 184–5 ) .
5 Rebleeding , or if absent , discharge , or death were considered the end points of the study .
6 Fortunately , the isolation of Low Birk Hatt is its own security so Hannah was spared the arrival of a regiment .
7 It is generally stated that Vlasov was awarded the Order of Lenin in February 1941 and the Order of the Red Banner in January 1942 ; however , a photograph of summer 1942 clearly shows him wearing two badges of the latter , as here .
8 The system could not function properly without the presence of a file server on the network and the fact that Talbot were given the go ahead to use the AppleShare software gives some degree of indication how seriously the project was being taken .
9 Contemporary reaction to this magnificent poem is typified by a critic in The Monthly Review in 1763 who thought he knew that Smart was forbidden the use of writing materials in the asylum and that he had written it ‘ with the end of a key , upon the wainscot ’ .
10 Amongst all the negative characteristics that Piggy was given the four which were stressed the most were his asthma , glasses , physical appearance and most of all the loss of his parents .
11 It was never , as we have seen , the Labour government 's intention that the independence of India should be the prelude to a general nunc dimittis , and this disposes of the plausible notion that once India was gone the pointlessness of holding on to the rest of the dependent empire , supposedly acquired to protect the sea routes to Bombay , was immediately perceived .
12 I was taken into hospital with high blood pressure the day after doing my last two pictures for the British Hairdressing Awards and Isha was born the following day .
13 Three stone lighter and a virtual insomniac , she has campaigned tirelessly for their release and her efforts were rewarded last week when Michelle and Lisa were granted the right to appeal against their conviction for the murder of Alison O'Shaughnessy .
14 United stuck on three … but Bury went for more … and got them … numbers four and five could be classed as freaks or flukes Daws and Rigby were given the the goals … but forget football this was more like pinball …
15 Unfortunately , these concerns led to a campaign of vilification in the press and Crowley was called the ‘ wickedest man in the world ’ ( 1923 ) on account of his endeavour to express his ideas at Cefalu , Sicily ( 1920–3 ) .
16 To Abbott and Hornsby were added the names of Captain Lawrence , with whom Wilson had been associated in the formation of the Certificated Officers ' Union , Maurice Darby , the originator of the first Glasgow branch who was alleged to have gone over to the Shipping Federation in 1890 , Robert Pleasance , former secretary of the Tower Hill branch who had been expelled from the union in the same year , and a Thomas Carey , an official of the NSFU discharged for unsatisfactory conduct in 1911 who , Wilson claimed , immediately became involved with the Federation and , while still in its pay , assisted Lewis in setting up the British Seafarers ' Union .
17 He told a press conference in Darlington that if Labour was elected the future of the North-East 's most important road , the A1 , could be in doubt .
18 And Ramsey was elected the Cambridge regius professor by the votes of five men out of seven .
19 You do in fact remember as c Councillor has said , that when Labour took over and schools were given the chance to change their minds and withdraw at least to change y to change the decision and withdraw from immediate L M S , then half of the schools chose to delay it 's introduction .
20 However , over the next ten years or so , the other predictions of the theory at lower energies agreed so well with experiment that , in 1979 , Salam and Weinberg were awarded the Nobel prize for physics , together with Sheldon Glashow , also at Harvard , who had suggested similar unified theories of the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces .
21 The Christie Hospital is one of the foremost cancer treatment hospitals in the country , and Nigel was admitted the day after Boxing Day and given four X-ray therapy treatments .
22 Magistrates and judges were given the power to release upon probation for good conduct first offenders who had committed an offence not punishable by more than three years imprisonment .
23 Since , under English law , the bank was not in contractual privity with the carrier until the bank took delivery of the goods , if the ship and cargo were lost the bank would have to sue the carrier in tort .
24 It was thought that if Calvinism were undermined the Presbyterian churches would give up their people to the Episcopal Church ; in fact the slow waning of Calvinism in the Presbyterian fold took away the one advantage the Episcopalians had and doomed them to irrelevance .
25 For this , Penzias and Wilson were awarded the Nobel prize in 1978 ( which seems a bit hard on Dicke and Peebles , not to mention Gamow ! ) .
26 If central banks printed less money , inflation would be controlled ; if property rights were more clearly defined , pollution would diminish ; if taxation was reduced the rate of growth of output would rise .
27 Manufacturing , non-diamond mining and tourism were considered the most likely areas for diversification .
28 And viewers were given the ridiculous impression that two blokes from Sussex University , rather than Eugene Garfield , had invented citation analysis as a means of assessing quality in research .
29 Incidentally , both Stirling and Mayne were awarded the DSO for the series of raids carried out in December 1941 .
30 Following Bennett 's withdrawal a number of other candidates had been unsuccessfully approached until Yeutter was offered the post on Jan. 3 .
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