Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [to-vb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Preference dividends can be accumulated if there are not sufficient distributable profits or cash to pay them in a particular financial year whereas , as noted above , loan stock obligations are a contractual commitment and must be paid whether the offeror makes profits or not .
2 For example , a magical liquid which needs a component of ethereality might allow the links to be separated , but the adventurers will have to find an Alchemist or Scholar to tell them of this , and then they must find the ingredients for the magical liquid .
3 In some of the odes , this compositional method has a wayward look , perhaps leaving the modern reader with the suspicion that the poem is structurally flawed.1 It is not particularly troublesome in " Diffugere nives " ; even so , there are throughout the poem points at which a reader needs to take connections on trust , or ventures to read them into the text , because they are not foregrounded or overtly articulated .
4 The National Curriculum 's aims — to give pupils knowledge , understanding , skills and attitudes to equip them for the responsibilities and challenges of adult life and tomorrow 's world — will be widely supported .
5 Ewshot fought back in the second half and Murphy , despite an injury to his nose , covered acres of ground in both attack and defence to keep them at bay .
6 This Keynesian process of governments pumping up demand for commodities has disadvantages : government interest payments grow and attempts to finance them by taxation tend eventually to threaten profits .
7 Instead Johnson ( 1972 ) looks outside the professions and attempts to understand them in terms of their sources and use of power and authority .
8 Education has expanded very significantly , thus giving a much greater number of people information and skills to assist them in improving their living standards .
9 Most parents of children at poorer schools already know about those schools , though they do not have the information to confront the governors , teachers and heads to urge them of the need to improve the school .
10 Which reminds me you still have n't written to Geoffrey and Jean to thank them for your birthday money have we ?
11 Council Courier continued to be circulated to regions and branches to inform them without delay of the decisions of Council .
12 The Tree Spirits were clinging to the black iron pipes that ran along the sides of the floor , using them as levers and pulleys to help them across the floor .
13 Any windsurfers ( except novices ) will need summer wet suits and shoes to protect them from wind chill .
14 We owe it to our children and grandchildren to spare them from the epidemic of smoking-related disease , disability and death from smoking that has marked the middle and later years of the 20th century .
15 It seemed that all the intelligence had gone to Constance , leaving her brothers with only wariness and guile to see them through the vicissitudes of life , although , Scarlet had to admit , they could be surprisingly kind .
16 Advice is given on the types of film and equipment to tackle them with .
17 In Shakespeare 's day , did n't he tell about people wearing skull rings and brooches to remind them of death .
18 But a third knight made the significant point that the commons were not likely to progress far without the agreement of the lords , and suggested that they should ask the king to appoint a group of prelates and magnates to help them in their deliberations .
19 On these pages we show you two very different settings and ways to adapt them for your festivities at home .
20 ‘ I thought the owner might appreciate me taking the time and trouble to approach them in person , ’ he bit out .
21 And that there were tourists is shown by Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice , published finally in 1813 but mainly written in 1796 : in it Elizabeth Bennet is invited by her aunt and uncle to accompany them to the Lakes , and exclaims : ‘ My dear , dear aunt , what delight !
22 When planning internal verification , centres must bear in mind that staff carrying out the role must have the experience and background to enable them to be effective .
23 In addition , the approach offers an absolute but moving standard that facilitates research into the characteristics of the poor and measures to move them over the poverty boundary .
24 They undertook exhaustive consultation with Aboriginal people and others to involve them in the policy formulation .
25 However , it was a year of drought , and at the stud all the mares were given daily feeds of oats and hay to keep them in good condition ; but Minyip , due to long habit , refused to eat anything but the poorest hay .
26 Indeed , ‘ so much engaged with his Collections and twenty other matters ’ was he that he left it to prince to contact his colleagues and subscribers to inform them of the ‘ results of his journey ’ .
27 And two little silk handbags on gilt chains , and gloves and a box of spare collars with bows and rosettes to fasten them with .
28 Cos I might be able to cart them off to Joanne and Emma to give them to their mum 's on Mother 's Day
29 The bland , slightly earthy flavour of lentils needs plenty of fresh spices , herbs and seasoning to transform them into tasty soups or spicy Indian dhals .
30 It is aimed at both local authorities and librarians to remind them of the professional responsibilities of librarians .
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