Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It undeniably happens to be the case that these phenotypic effects have largely become bundled up into discrete vehicles , each with its genes disciplined and ordered by the prospect of a shared bottleneck of sperms or eggs funnelling them into the future .
2 Being in a noble house , they discussed inheritance of land by means of ‘ entails ’ , the settling of land upon members of a family in a predetermined order to prevent any one owner or inheritor bequeathing it outside the family .
3 She had to squat down to dodge the ancient fly-paper dangling from the light-flex , but it was better than Babs seeing her in her vest and school knickers , or anyone else for that matter ; Babs insisted on keeping the dressing-room door open .
4 Last year the Republic refused to extradite Mr Ryan to Britain to face terrorism charges , including conspiracy to murder and cause explosions , on the grounds that allegations in the Press and Parliament linking him with the IRA meant he would not receive a fair trial in Britain .
5 It is interesting , is n't it , that er I knew the road to Damascus was long , but I did n't realise it were that long cos on the second of July the Tories moved an amendment at P and R criticising us for spending money on the Lord Mayor 's car , but I 'm glad to see that you 've come back to the fold .
6 Brian Farrell , defending , said the action ‘ set the rot in ’ and as time went on she took larger sums of money , spending it on alcohol , cigarettes , clothing and bills leaving her with nothing tangible to show .
7 Seeing Thérèse and Léonie watching her from an upstairs window she straightened up , smiled , waved .
8 Merchants could buy safe-conducts and licences exempting them from the right of wreck from the Duke of Brittany .
9 As I began to serve more regularly I became more accepted amongst the older stalwarts of the service , my naval experience and general seamanship picked up on fishing craft and yachts standing me in good stead .
10 That means understanding the principles of communication and custom applying them to a campaign , not just throwing hardware at people and showing them the switches .
11 MIPS Computer Systems Inc vice president of software technology , and now its ACE liaison , Larry Weber , said that since last summer Intel was repeatedly approached by ACE members including Olivetti , Acer , Compaq and MIPS asking it to somehow endorse and participate in the Initiative .
12 With the prospect of William and Harry joining them for a holiday afterwards , Diana was in good heart .
13 She has endured house arrest , detentions without trial , continual harassment by the police and orders banning her from political activity , while , all the time , never shrinking from her duties of leadership in the thankless battle against apartheid .
14 It 's normally a place for quiet reflection in the midst of the commercial centre of Edinburgh , but this morning it 's full of books – boxes and boxes of them wherever you look – and people sorting them for the annual Christian Aid Book Sale .
15 By Thursday evening , errors and ommissions underwriters are due to remit £116 million to solicitor Richards Butler under the settlement reached last month between underwriter Richard Outhwaite and names suing him for negligence over £260 million of losses .
16 When Willis came out , England were 197 ahead with 151 minutes and twenty overs left and there can not have been many who doubted West Indies would win , but with Willis lunging his left leg forward and Willey protecting him from the strike as much as possible , they began to put together a remarkable stand .
17 We walked up the deserted street with me breathing deeply and Jamie holding me by one elbow .
18 It promises to be difficult enough without John and Kate treating me as if I 'm a sensitive convalescent .
19 Stephanie unwound it like a cocoon , stroked and spread its spiky boughs , spent time and effort stabilising it in a bucket of earth with the weight from the kitchen scales .
20 It also provided an opportunity for Course Leaders to discuss some of the crucial problems and issues facing them in their pivotal role as course leaders .
21 On 29th April , 1971 the Guerilla Art Action Group sent letters to Nixon , Agnew , and Kissinger exhorting them to ‘ Eat What You Kill ’ , and providing the market prices of brains , tongues , blood and heads .
22 Joan did the laundry , washing up , and housework holding her with one arm .
23 I slide out of my smooth new womanly skin , and slide in behind the russet freckles and bristles facing me across the office to check this analysis .
24 Cora-Beth had told him the night before that there were letters and cards awaiting him from England , all of which had ‘ Not To Be Opened Until 5 Jan. ’ on the envelopes , so she had extracted a promise from him to leave them on his bedside table until this morning .
25 The fourth book featured a scene in which a man planned to write a letter to his Father and Mother telling them of his new-found happiness , but he never could bring himself to write the letter .
26 A new sensitivity to the subject is suggested by the series of laws and practices concerning it in the nineteenth century .
27 She was admitted on a Tuesday , and her husband and son visiting her on the Friday found she 'd had no food in that time .
28 On the other hand , it may also be a sign of God 's hidden control and wisdom preparing us for the future .
29 Because of the extensive location work , Dustin , who disliked being away from his family for any length of time , insisted on Anne and Karina joining him at a house he had rented in Billings , Montana .
30 But doctors treating her near Tel Aviv , Israel , said there was no chance of all embryos surviving .
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