Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 For the purposes of the Code , " securities " excludes loan stock or loan notes unless such stock or notes carry substantially the same rights as any other securities of the offeror in issue or conversion or subscription rights into any such securities or equity share capital of the offeror .
2 As the waves or pulses pass down the fibre they mix with their delayed echoes .
3 Brown & Levinson point out the importance for social relationships of establishing common ground and agreeing on points of view , and illustrate the lengths to which speakers in different cultures will go to maintain an appearance of agreement , and they remark ‘ agreement may also be stressed by repeating part or all of what the preceding speaker has said ’ ( 1978:117 )
4 All licensed taxis in Brighton & Hove carry either the words ‘ Brighton Taxi ’ or ‘ Hove Taxi ’ on the centre of the roof .
5 Even today , he is sure that subconsciously the experience continues to affect him , especially when storm , rain or trees trigger off the train of associations .
6 For single quotes or apostrophes leave out the Shift key .
7 Halfway results from Scottish & Newcastle promise much the same as last year , around the £115m mark , as the beer market remains difficult .
8 The following bar graphs or charts show how the information can be broken down and looked at more closely .
9 Some theorize that income distribution is mainly a result of government action ( wage policy , taxation , etc. ) while per capita income is mainly a result of transnational forces ( for example , the price that exports bring on the world market ) .
10 The USA insisted that Arafat denounce both the attack and the PLF leader , Mahmoud Abul Abbas , a member of the PLO Executive Committee .
11 I understand at one time it was possible to cross the river by means of stepping stones but these are no longer in position and the landowner finds that walkers wander along the river bank looking for the path and for a way to cross the river .
12 The problem is that rock-climbers do all the hardest stuff in this game .
13 On the other , members often say that they do n't feel involved ; that committees do all the work without reference to them .
14 McDonald 's commitment to quality is paramount throughout the production and preparation of all its products , to ensure that customers receive only the highest quality food and beverage .
15 The only stipulation the Newcastle makes is that borrowers take out the society 's Homecover buildings and contents insurance .
16 Legal remedies can ensure that landlords carry out the works for which they are legally responsible .
17 Of course , we can not draw conclusions about the calibre of a person simply from his or her occupation or education , but these figures do not support the view that councillors lack either the education or administrative experience to perform their duties .
18 Such turmoil , Hobbes thought , arose from ignorance of political and moral science : the cause of civil war is ‘ that men know not the causes neither of war nor peace ’ .
19 To make the vision a reality requires that BT open up the interfaces between the separate parts of its operation : the different parts of the physical network , its billing , management and services systems .
20 Indeed , he could modify his model by supposing that the gradient has its high point at the back edge of each segment , and that bristles point up the slope , and it would work just as well .
21 The aisles and galleries continue round the whole building .
22 If patterns emerge then the school can start to explore causes of absence and perhaps remedy them .
23 Sharing and co-operation between siblings can be observed , and if fights break out the method of handling by the parents provides on-the-spot evidence of management skills .
24 Brother and sister walk down the gang-plank
25 Now Alex and Judy take up the story …
26 When I do that , it 's like summat inside of me is pulled out and streaks back up the street , under all the lights , right round the corner to where I ca n't see .
27 He was watching Jack and Floss go down the ride towards the feeding-ground .
28 Blusher Foundation and powder take away the definition , so blusher will colour and shape the face .
29 Keynesians and monetarists disagree over the shape and stability of the liquidity preference curve ( the demand for money curve ) .
30 Pauline and Pat climb out the window
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