Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Vaill 's terms , organizations or groups qualify for the title ‘ high-performing system ’ if they :
2 It is beyond doubt , he argues , and most psychologists and ethologists would agree , ‘ that animals act for the sake of goals , and that they may be conscious of their goals , in the quite literal sense that they may see or smell what they are after ’ ( 1975 : 19 ) .
3 Not only must we limit the scope of animal goals but we must also limit the sense of the claim that animals act for the sake of goals .
4 If the taxes that individuals pay for a local public good were higher as a consequence of higher income , the poor might enjoy a greater quantity of a local public good if they were resident in a high-income area .
5 There is not , of course , any serious evidence that kin support for the elderly is declining , despite the persistent myth that it is .
6 The staff admit that a sudden rise in entrances to the zoo was likely to be largely due to an interest by the public who wanted to visit it before it finally closed and they agree that problems remain for the future .
7 She turned back to Elinor and said in the rather loud , slow , and contrived voice that people use for the deaf , ‘ I 've brought you a surprise , Nell . ’
8 Yeah well I I I obviously I would say this but er I think it 's the best opportunity that people have for a career direction because we we 've redirected a lot of people 's careers in this aspect .
9 It is inevitably a part of the normal grieving process that people search for the dead person in a multitude of ways , but it is very necessary for friends of the bereaved to help them choose carefully .
10 Mostly it is a Monday that slimmers pick for a new health regime , a new diet .
11 Even if subject searches are initiated at the catalogue , it has been found that users look for a shelf number location and proceed to the shelves to continue their subject search.1536 The inadequacies of library catalogues in supporting subject access have thus been tolerable because of the open-access tradition of Anglo-American libraries , which encourages the direct shelf approach for subject searching .
12 It is still using a line that provides voice telephony , so standards set for the voice line will apply .
13 Bell 2 : 341 , 1877 ) Miller sent cantaloupe seeds from Armenia , in his opinion the best , and advised using dung rather than tanners bark for the hotbed , with a good depth of loam for rooting .
14 Erm it 's been shown that women strive for a pronunciations and and sort of go more towards the .
15 A rise in incomes will change the demand that citizens register for the good .
16 Although students belong for the entire five years of study to one particular section , much of the teaching is done cross-sectionally .
17 Few would deny the convenience for shoppers of large numbers of local stores with long opening hours on six and a half days each week , but there is no doubt that consumers pay for the convenience .
18 The drinking session that followed stretched until 4.00 am ; the players disproving the theory that time and tide wait for no man .
19 In what follows the interpretative dimension will come alive only on the next layer of the problem , where we ask whether social rules and institutions account for the performance of social roles , or vice versa , In other words , we think international institutions too fragile to permit a fully systemic answer on the highest layer and so incomplete that an answer which favours the international units must yield to curiosity about how these units work .
20 It 's relevant perhaps to report hereof that John Dennis has done a very useful spreadsheet of erm video profitability on a erm video by video basis , which we have actually a sort of profit and loss account for every year it was produced , and that is going to become a quarterly erm document which we can look at erm and that that 's very useful to and we did actually at our meeting discussing that yesterday we decided that we were going to erm try to break down erm the sales of that into title by market , did n't we ?
21 My various crops have competed not only with weeds but also with each other , a major factor in the profit and loss account for the plot .
22 There would then be no minority interest figure in the profit and loss account for the current year , since the minority interest will also have been a debit balance last year end .
23 Consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March 1991
24 Profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March 1991
25 The completion accounts shall consist of [ a statement of net assets of the business drawn up at the transfer date and a profit and loss account for the xx months then ended and such additional notes as the Vendor 's accountants shall deem reasonable ] and shall be prepared , in order of descending priority , with due regard to the concept of materiality in accordance with :
26 The completion accounts shall consist of [ a statement of net assets of the business drawn up at the transfer date and a profit and loss account for the xx months then ended and such additional notes as the Vendor 's accountants shall deem reasonable ] and shall be prepared , in order of descending priority , with due regard to the concept of materiality in accordance with :
27 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st March 1993
28 In each of the following situations , discuss whether the item would be included in the profit and loss account for the year to 31 December 1990 and at what amount .
29 Extract a balance sheet at the end of the month and a profit and loss account for the month .
30 Draw up a balance sheet at the end of the month and a profit and loss account for the month .
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