Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The key stages of preparation are to become familiar with all the facts as recorded in key documents , for example correspondence , meeting records , site measurements , wage sheets and plant invoices try to agree the facts with the engineer and/or contractor check the claim is in order with respect to time and/or documentation and that it complies with the contract
2 Fans of Sting , Henry Van Hammer & Co get the chance to hear their heroes on my Downtown show tonight at 11 pm .
3 in what ideological terms do these classes or groups perceive the problem of soil erosion — causes , blame , solutions ?
4 If you find yourself as a group leader or chairman accept the responsibility .
5 The Bar has lost by the gradual extension of county court jurisdiction ( where solicitors have the right of audience ) ; and the income limit for legal aid in civil cases has fallen well behind inflation , so that few people are now eligible for it .
6 Internal baffles or risers restrain the fabric gores to hold shape where practical , otherwise a central spine and spar structure is employed as we show for the Shark .
7 In 1910 they issued two manifestos : ‘ We wish to represent machines or figures actually in motion … movement or light destroy the substance of objects . ’
8 Where steps follow the slope of a bank , retaining walls can also be stepped
9 This makes them terrible foes in battle as an uncanny silence reigns as they fight , no war cries or screams rend the air as they wield their halberds with deadly intensity .
10 They are terrible foes in battle as an uncanny silence reigns as they fight , no war cries or screams rend the air as they wield their halberds with deadly intensity .
11 Thus Irvine & Martin advise the use of converging partial indicators , which they list as :
12 Personal Insurance customers of Legal & General have the right to ask the Insurance Ombudsman to review their complaint .
13 Meanwhile , the contrast is best made for introductory purposes by thinking about the middle of the range , where individuals take the stage in a social capacity , as , for instance , Prime Minister or Secretary of State .
14 The hair was black , cropped short , the mouth looked like a casket holding mighty documents , and the eyes — the eyes were blue like electric shock-waves and held Lee as the eyes of an O'Toole or Cooper hold the audience when in close-up , like magnets , obliterating backdrops , Chinese plains , crazy broads , plots , accompanying scores , Orson Welles , everything .
15 As Troop & Zimmern ( 1989 ) express it , ‘ at the hospital or service end the objective is entirely different .
16 " This Meeting , with every feeling of humanity for the distressed Sufferers , who have the misfortune to be shipwrecked on the coast of this Island , have to regret that numbers of the Country prople , shaking off all fear of God , or regard to the laws , are in the constant practice against every rule of Christian charity , or hospitality , of resorting in numbers to the shores , where strangers have the Misfortune of being shipwrecked , and that for the sole purpose of plunder ; which practice this Meeting hold in the greatest abhorrence , and now declare their disapprobation of ; and in order , as much as possible , to remedy this evil , this Meeting not only collectively , but individually , pledge themselves to use their utmost exertions , not only for the preservation of the property of the individuals , who may have the Misfortune to be wrecked on these coasts , but also for bringing to condign punishment all and every such persons as may be found plundering from wrecks : "
17 For , plainly , such a procedure and the acknowledgement of either authoritative text or persons involve the existence of rules of a type different from the rules of obligation or duty which ex hypothesi are all that the group has .
18 One unit now remains on the estate , where tenants include the Post Office and Securicor .
19 God Save The King , or God Save the Queen , as it is now , is stately , rhythmic You could march to it , but I was corrected at a recent meeting , to say that people do n't march to it , but you could if you wanted to .
20 This symbolic , familial structure of affiliation between firms of very different sizes makes it difficult to identify the exact extent of independent control especially where subcontractors supply the bulk of their output to one buyer .
21 except in one corner , where trees gargle the sun .
22 Similar considerations arise where auditors certify the adjustment rates of convertible shares and the price of shares for employees in share option schemes .
23 Such awareness is considerably to the fore today where people appreciate the need for a global concern — the need to relate in a non-violent , just , perceptive and generous way to the traditions of others .
24 The process starts at the firm 's woodmills , where carpenters create the box frames .
25 Following recent confectionery takeovers , UBS Phillips & Drew believe the trust has a break-up value of 100p .
26 d ) The Decision Maker : where decisions take the form of modified re-buys or new task purchasing , it is most likely that senior functional , divisional or general management will take the actual decision to purchase , and choose the supplier , specification and product .
27 Paragraph 57 says : ’ For the purpose of maintaining breathable air within the accommodation , it should be required by regulation that the ventilation air intakes should be provided with smoke and gas detectors and that on smoke or gas alarm the ventilation and dampers should be shut down ’ .
28 Car exhausts and the burning of fossil fuels like coal or oil pollute the atmosphere with a mixture of chemicals — chiefly sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide — which combine to form acid rain .
29 At the other end of the scale there are those schools , and they are numerous , where children enjoy the benefit of an adequate weatherproof classroom , something to sit and something to write on .
30 So , for , you can have Karl Franz as your army 's general if you wish , or Ludwig Schwarzhelm the Emperor 's Champion as your army 's Battle Standard Bearer .
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