Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb past] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 They tell of women murdered by Iraqi soldiers , because husbands or sons had joined the rebellion ; of heavy shelling of residential areas ; of summary executions of anybody suspected of aiding the rebels ; of bodies left lying in the streets .
2 Where Ken wanted to jolly the world along , Bernard wanted to push it and shove it for its own good .
3 Where Malinowski had invoked the aid of reductionist principles borrowed from biology , and concentrated on man 's cultural adaptation , Radcliffe-Brown re-asserted the social basis of all customs and institutions .
4 In cases where a patient needed to be referred to a specialty , usually orthopaedics for digital nerve or tendon injuries , a registrar or consultant had made the referral on my behalf .
5 They had then returned to Weymouth and diverted to the crematorium , where Heather had left the car just long enough to take a photograph .
6 He then followed Duncan through the small terminal to where they could look out of the window at the tarmac ramp , on to the military side , where Duncan had seen the transporter .
7 The advertisement appeared more than once , but no error was pointed out to us or alteration made to correct the description . ’
8 The Black Arks made landfall in the bleak north of the New World , near where Malekith had found the Circlet of Iron .
9 The addition and removal of sub-assemblies and components from the tree may also create difficulties as jumps between " branches " may be inadvertently created or breaks produced making the data inaccessible through the tree structure .
10 Where Thatcherism sought to limit the power of organized labour , the PSOE was closely allied to the socialist segment of the union movement and promised to extend the rights of unions and workers .
11 Damp , fragrant veils that made a cool tent around the central space of heat where Rose began to ply the heavy iron .
12 Opening the case for the prosecution , the Council 's lawyer , Mr Neil Calver told magistrates that by trading on that day , B & Q had contravened the Shops Act .
13 She kept her back rigorously straight : the foetus or baby seemed to like the bicycle : its movement usually , and she felt happily , ceased as hers began .
14 Indeed , I sat there in the muggy warmth until the balding , bull-necked scruff of a proprietor or manager started to put the chairs upside down on the swabbed tables — a peculiar custom which is surely unhygienic enough to be banned by law .
15 This was a conference where images of the macabre and the grotesque mingled with the moving and the tragic ; where the children and the handicapped were feted as survivors of a silent holocaust ; where people went to learn the difference between pro-life and pro-death , between cloning and twinning , between a blob of jelly and a living foetus , between a terminated pregnancy and murder and to learn how to counter difficult questions .
16 To enforce conformity to the new orthodoxy , the Spaniards instituted ecclesiastical visitas , or inspections intended to extirpate the idolatory that persisted long after the conquest .
17 The Adjutant was able to sound thankful where Charles had given the least impression of unwillingness .
18 Above their heads the music still throbbed , more sweetly now since either David or Sandra had switched the records to more old-fashioned melodies .
19 An early-morning meeting with Goodwin , finance director Rodger Braidwood , Lazard 's — the company 's bank — and stockbroker Carr Kitcat & Aitken had confirmed the chief 's Friday night order .
20 I prefer this blend with about 5 drops of bergamot or lemon added to brighten the aroma .
21 Holmes , the former IBF champion now close to his 36th birthday , simply did not have the legs or power left to unhinge the champion .
22 Over his coffee , Pascoe toyed with permutations of possibilities in which Felstead or Evans had written the letter ( all the letters ? ) , in which Mary Connon had a lover ( someone at the Club ?
23 And whenever Honda or Ford threatened to close the gap , the Williams-Renault raised its game .
24 It had been such a good idea and all that had resulted from it was a double punishment for her and a complete failure to make anyone believe to Alicia or Daryl had played the trick .
25 Quite apart from blackmail the New Zealand police had no proof that either Mafart or Prieur had planted the bombs so when the two appeared in court in Auckland on 4 November 1985 the prosecution announced that they had accepted a plea of manslaughter .
26 I 'm finding myself somewhat confused , I mean , I was interested that Ian had mentioned the practical voluntary services as one of the groups that he would wish to work with .
27 The summary goes on to say that Stirling had asked the Eighth Army for thirty more jeeps that had already been ordered .
28 Viscount Simon and Lord Simonds reserved their opinions on this question , and Lord Porter considered that opinions expressed supporting the application of the rule to personal injuries are an undoubted extension of it , ‘ and may some day require examination . ’
29 Although a trial judge might exclude evidence on the ground of fairness under s 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 , the fact that Parliament had incorporated the provisions of s 2(8) into the 1987 Act suggested that it had not felt that the power under the 1984 Act was sufficient to protect a person from being compelled to give evidence .
30 In Padfield 's case Lord Reid pointed out that Parliament had given the Minister a discretion as to whether complaints were referred to the committee .
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