Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [modal v] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of this year the selection process for BEng or MEng will take place .
2 When it is thought vital that members or creditors should receive notice , the Act requires them to be given notice by the company ; in relation to the general public the best that can be done is to require publication in newspapers .
3 If persistently large current account imbalances arose , the antici-pation of devaluation or revaluation would give rise to speculative short-term capital flows in the same direction , putting added pressure on the exchange rate in question .
4 Rule 37.1 does not impose a mandatory bid obligation on a shareholder not acting in concert with the directors unless he purchased shares at a time when he had reason to believe that a redemption or purchase would take place .
5 The period around the 12th is likely to bring negative responses or sour grapes , culminating with the Full Moon on the 16th when an argument or heart-to-heart will take place .
6 A sprinkler or hose will show fragmentation and many colours in the sun .
7 Nevertheless an unusual change of éaulement or alignment can add interest and draw attention to a dancer 's statement .
8 Before the end of the 28 days any member or auditor may serve notice on the company requiring a meeting to be held for that purpose .
9 It is hard enough to cope on invalidity benefits at the moment and any cuts or taxes will make life very difficult .
10 The Labour Party does not believe that councils or schools should promote homosexuality , and I hope that no-one in the Committee has any doubt about that ...
11 The emission of hydrothermal solutions , steam and other gases without significant quantities of fragmental material or lava can give rise to minor landforms .
12 Tools or ladders can make life easy for the thief .
13 In order to understand a word , the reader or hearer must gain access to the semantic information contained in the word 's lexical entry .
14 Children who have HIV or AIDS can attend day care facilities or schools freely without putting other children at risk .
15 Zuwaya did express tensions between fathers and sons , some arising from the use of authority ; they expressed others in the formal segregation of fathers and sons contained in the word tahashshum : shame or shyness should exclude money , women and relaxed pleasure from their interaction .
16 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who undertakes the design or manufacture of any article for use at work to carry out or arrange for the carrying out of any necessary research with a view to the discovery and , so far as is reasonably practicable , the elimination or minimisation of any risks to health or safety to which the design or article may give rise . ’
17 A lack of potassium or sodium can cause muscle weakness .
18 In the days when a powerful bishop or squire might take exception to his views , the humble parson clearly needed protection .
19 The orange lifeguard tower where Eddie used to keep watch was empty ; a sign on the side announced : No LIFEGUARD ON DUTY .
20 Physical features , such as a propensity for obesity or tallness may reflect predisposition to early maturation ; in these cases , anorexia nervosa may represent an attempt to prevent or reverse the maturational process in those who feel unprepared .
21 Yet a person or group may have power by shaping beliefs , values and desires .
22 Similarly , those within organisations who can persuade others to put the good of the organisation before that of the individual or group will have power .
23 Meals are served in the restaurant or guests can take lunch at the beach restaurant .
24 Contracts with the company 's major suppliers or customers may have change of control provisions .
25 Outrageous , this is wicked , it 's monstrous , but I 'm absolutely appalled , now I 'm not allowed to speak about her because that 's going to be harmful to her , but any Tom , Dick , or Harry can get information which they have no right to about her and about me , about anybody else , and can flog it .
26 An individual or organisation may face action for a variety of Torts e.g. defamation , negligence , nuisance or trespass .
27 The pipes or cables must require repair or replacement due to accidental damage not due to wear and tear .
28 Given the existence of a European community , there is no good reason , in equity or commonsense , why a fisherman from Fleetwood or Grimsby should have precedence in Hebridean waters over a fisherman from Hamburg or Brest .
29 In earlier days this inn was known as ‘ The Black Horse ’ , the name given to ‘ Lending Inns ’ , where customers could borrow money .
30 Certain facts were required to be proven to the satisfaction of the reviewing court before the magistrate or tribunal could go right or wrong .
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