Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [be] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact one of the simplest and best ways to extend any kind of seafood salad or cocktail is with fresh pineapple .
2 However , planning ahead may not always be possible — for example if your circumstances change quickly or vacancies are in short supply .
3 Partial results from the 70 constituencies , where election was by proportional representation according to party lists , gave the DLP 35 seats with 42.6 per cent of the vote , Sajudis 18 seats with 21.6 per cent and the Christian Democrats , expected to ally with Sajudis , 10 seats with 11 per cent of the vote .
4 ‘ A body corporate or an unincorporated association shall not be appointed as , or be permitted to continue as , a member 's appointed representative unless the member is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the controllers , directors and senior management of that body or association are of good character and are competent and otherwise suitable to manage the marketing of investment contracts on the member 's behalf .
5 For young babies , choking and suffocation are major death risks ; and protection from accident , infection , and excessive heat or cold is of vital importance .
6 Where managers are of limited competence any increases in efficiency are more likely to result from improved resource efficiency , particularly through disposal of under-performing activities or subsidiaries in order to improve the group 's financial profile .
7 So some form of water-saving device could be an excellent economy measure where water is in short supply .
8 This is not , of course , to say that an impecunious clerk or curate was of equal status with a great lay lord , duke or count , or that a simple peasant woman had the rights of a noble lady , for medieval society was a stratified , or hierarchical , one , in which power was conceived as coming downwards from God to His spiritual and temporal vice-gerents : popes , emperors , kings and bishops .
9 Where staff is in short supply and space is insufficient , long waiting-room queues cause considerable stress to the advice worker ( and the client too , of course ) .
10 The most important element of the cessation process seems to be the smoker 's decision to give up , with the aid or method being of secondary importance .
11 Many of the predator species that are known to accumulate bones in their pellets or scats are of considerable antiquity .
12 PERT tends to be applied to one off projects of a complex nature- or to projects where time or cost are of overriding importance .
13 Participants specialise in practice or management.Examination is by continuous assessment and , for the MSc , a 15 000-word dissertation .
14 The leaves and small fragments of the sugar beet or swede are of obvious value until such time as the field is deep-ploughed and the remaining food buried beyond retrieval .
15 The legislation mandates that imported or factory-made goods be identified as such and required that any objects offered for sale as ‘ Indian ’ must be accompanied by proof that their maker or makers are of Indian ancestry , i.e. , members of a federally recognized tribe .
16 And just to prove that Swindon are in good form , how 's this for a keep fit routine — the Hoddle hoki-koki .
17 Other studies suggest that cyclosporin is of therapeutic value in ulcerative colitis , but there have been no controlled trials .
18 The local planning authority 's policy of maintaining a balance between commercial , administrative and service industries has meant that restaurants are in short supply .
19 But , with rumours already rife at Roker that Crosby is on borrowed time just months after signing a one-year contract , his chairman refused to clear the air .
20 In order to have peace and Philip 's support in his bid to be recognized , once and for all , as heir to the throne , it seems that Richard was at long last ready to marry Alice .
21 Johnson returned , and as the ladies left the table , Johnson , a man who ‘ insisted that politeness was of great consequence in society ’ , stood .
22 Once folks had printed a few pages of closely spaced text , the next logical step was to print lots of pages of giant words announcing to the world that Fred and Wilma had just got married , or that winkles were on special offer at only ten bob a pound .
23 The Teachers ' unions support the initiative , while recognising their responsibility to ensure that Compacts are of educational value , and that they enhance existing educational provision .
24 Note ; When we want to show that lines are of equal length , we can put the same mark on each line .
25 Then he realised that Kouklia was in daily touch with Salines , and Salines , unobtrusively , with Nicosia .
26 It is a fact that exercise is of general benefit to people of all ages because it is necessary for the optimum function , structure and preservation of muscles , bones , joints , and the heart .
27 " I always thought that gardens , " said Clara , as they progressed slowly back along the long stretch of grass , and down the steps to the lower level , " I always thought that gardens were for growing flowers in .
28 Recall too that limitations are of different kinds : internal resources , external resources , rate , and conflict .
29 During private conversations with foreign visitors , president Alexandrov , vice-president Velikhov and scientific secretary Scriabin worked hard to prove to foreign colleagues that the ‘ Sakharov problem ’ does not exist , that Sakharov is in fine shape in Gorky .
30 It was clear that Korea was in political turmoil and that securing stability in south Korea and then unity with north Korea would be hard to accomplish .
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