Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As she ate Maltesers from the box on her knee , apparently engrossed in the antics of Mickey Mouse , Donald Duck or pluto her left hand seemed not to know what her right was doing .
2 And now these fears have been compounded by a sixth profitability study by accountants Spicer & Oppenheim whose gloomy conclusions may well prolong the sector 's agonies further .
3 Wrens Quickso in Darlington ( 352–577 ) will take up a hem from £3.60 , put in a zip from £3.75 or taper your old flares for £6 or so .
4 While the Chicago School certainly addressed the expressive order in problematic ways , their critics have thrown out the baby with the bathwater ; misinterpreting or misunderstanding what these sociologists were attempting .
5 As such , it can not be restricted to the description of linguistic forms independent of the purposes or functions which those forms are designed to serve in human affairs .
6 People seek the benefits that products provide , rather than the products or brands themselves Specific products or brands should therefore be differentiated by those combinations of benefits and costs sought by a particular set of potential customers .
7 This method of reasoning identifies the conditions or circumstances which negative voluntariness or vitiate consent .
8 The summary document or record which young people take with them when leaving school or college will need to include two main components :
9 The EC regime will replace national systems under which bananas cost less in Germany and the Netherlands than in Spain , France or Britain whose overseas territories or former colonies grow more expensive bananas than large-scale Latin American plantations .
10 Nineteen of the 23 Major Project schools of that time contained clear statements of aims to enhance the curriculum as a whole , although many schools went on to identify particular subjects or departments which required attention first .
11 A characteristic of subdivision is an attribute or property which all concepts in a given facet have in common and by which isolates can be grouped .
12 There are therefore good reasons to think that those who try to define democracy only in terms of present-day realities — 5 a type of political system or culture which some societies possess and others do not — will find themselves left behind by history .
13 3 The surrounding words in an utterance that give a word or structure its particular meaning .
14 A colourful and exciting celebration in song and dance of those two giants of the American musical theatre RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN whose captivating melodies and lyrics are played somewhere throughout the world every day of the year !
15 All these accusations , rebuttals and counter-accusations are largely covert and known in detail only to the prince or chief whose judicial oracle confirms or refutes all witchcraft-murder accusations ; hence the same death appears in different guises to the various parties concerned .
16 They are defined as firms or enterprises whose final output is in some sense non-material , irrespective of the types of occupation that make up a firm 's labour force .
17 It was unthinkable that the BBC should do other than support its own government .
18 More resources are devoted to aspects of fiscal welfare than to cash benefits or service delivery and they are allocated in ways that pervert what individual service policies are seeking to achieve .
19 It was found that schools which experienced budget cuts due to the formula had higher costs because they were small or had surplus places .
20 He returned to Basle in April to find the hopes he had left there come to nothing : he was not to have a philosophy chair ( nor Rohde his own chair ) , and so he was obliged to remain , at least nominally , a philologist .
21 Certainly , it seems reasonable to assume that individuals whose temperamental make-up is more ‘ psychotic ’ , and who therefore have a greater predisposition to psychosis , will be in greatest danger of passing over the threshold into overt illness , just as those of anxious temperament are more likely to develop an anxiety neurosis , and persons whose blood pressure is more labile will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack or stroke .
22 How extraordinary that people her own age should believe such grotesque , non-scientific ideas as that a man could be resurrected from the dead after , and a horrible thought it was , after being crucified ; and how fantastic that they should believe that all the dead would rise from their graves — all of them , those countless millions , millions upon millions , rising from the clay into which they had , long since , dissolved … .
23 These advisers are more likely to be accountants , rather than lawyers whose principal role in this respect is likely to be in advising on the interpretation of the statutory provisions rather than on the financial state of the companies which the information reveals .
24 We males naturally reject the idea that we 're not at all times ready to cream anything that moves as a monstrous slander on our virility , while women certainly do n't want to think that creatures whose sexual urges are so undiscriminating that they have been known to rape grannies and animals and even corpses , for God 's sake , could possibly find them so unattractive that they need to simulate orgasm .
25 Since then , the directors have done little other than line their own pockets , award themselves enormous pay increases and indulge in dodgy share options , all of which has been done at the expense of the domestic customer , whose bill has gone up by 40 per cent .
26 It should be made clear to English-speaking pupils that classmates whose first language is Bengali or Cantonese , or any other of the scores of languages spoken by the school population … have languages quite as systematic and rule-governed as their own .
27 It assumes we are all atomized individuals with competing rights , rather than beings whose very existence is based on profound interconnections with one another .
28 This gave the baronage a strong sense of cohesion ; but the large families which many of them had , and the opportunities for enrichment and impoverishment which growing population and growing wealth provided , meant that any great man had a large number of poor relations , and that the rungs on the ladder between the poor knights and the great princes were thronged with men moving up and down , sometimes at breakneck speed .
29 Davidoff et al have shown that the Beau Ideal was underpinned by a morality of mutual duty and service , although the benefits and freedom which each participant drew from such an arrangement varied directly according to their position in the hierarchy .
30 ‘ The breadth of knowledge and expertise which each person brings to the team is enormous and by working together we have been able in a short space of time to see the company woods from the departmental trees . ’
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