Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Few would quarrel with the above statement but it is , of course , qualitative and any engineer or scientist needs a much more exact definition of stiffness .
2 He specialises in songs of self-pity and gloom , with stories of betrayal or parting enlivened a little by an autobiographical track like Mobile Shack , with its story of escape from Birmingham thanks to the arrival of New Wave .
3 The Royal Commission on Legal Services found that in 1976 the apprentice in commerce or industry received a considerably greater salary than that paid by private practitioners ; also , the median salary of solicitors in this type of employment was substantially more than in private practice ( £7,584 outside Greater London , as compared with £4,346 in private practice ) .
4 Grouse " potted whole , stowed singly into pots with clarified butter poured over " as described by Professor Saintsbury ( the old boy did n't miss much ) are infinitely enticing , exceedingly extravagant with butter and not very practical for these days , but you can make one young cooked grouse or partridge go a very long way by the simple method of chopping the flesh , freed from all skin and sinew with about one quarter of its weight in mild , rather fat , cooked ham .
5 Marks & Spencer has a more subtle version in metallic and black thread .
6 This may not be the obvious preferred option … but I think the quality is there , I also think that Strachan & McAllister can provide the balls accurately & fast enough for Deance/Wallace with Speed & Rocky providing a pretty good ‘ second line ’ .
7 There seems to be a lot of anger locked up in a sense of competition that he apparently directs first and foremost against himself ; and it is clear that his endless tampering with his swing must have at least as much to do with mind-control as with bodily mechanics — either that , or Faldo has a very perverse and forgetful body indeed .
8 this would likely involve one of the main parties having " to co-operate with a party or parties taking a more central stance . "
9 As a direct result of the project , a much larger committee was established , where membership comprised a much wider representation of the staff as a whole .
10 This criticism is based ( a ) on comparisons with other countries such as West Germany and Japan ( Vittas 1986 ) , where banks play a much larger role in industrial financing ; ( b ) on an assumption that bad industrial performance can be attributed to a lack of finance ; and ( c ) on a certain dissatisfaction with consistently high levels of bank profitability .
11 And Parker ( 1990 ) points out : ‘ The costs to informal carers of caring for dependent people can include economic , physical , emotional and opportunity costs : loss and reduction of employment ; reduced income ; increased expenditure ; restricted family and social life and physical and emotional strain' : where families had a severely disabled child , mothers ’ participation in the labour market was lower , they worked fewer hours and were paid less .
12 We can now appreciate how accusations of witchcraft or sorcery establish a satisfyingly significant linkage between misfortune and enmity .
13 The same management and work force face the challenges of the current position , but there is nothing to suggest that they lack the collective will , expertise or enterprise to negotiate a very successful future for themselves and their industry .
14 The idea is that we may know that some pleasures or pains have a generally high or low degree of purity or fecundity without its being practicable on a particular occasion to specify and evaluate specifically the precise further pleasures or pains which are likely to ensue from them .
15 The market for engines in Cornwall was so important that eventually Boulton & Watt employed a very able engineer called William Murdock who was permanently based in Cornwall supervising the erection of their engines .
16 Or members imbibed a little too enthusiastically and had to be helped into a taxi .
17 From time to time there are cases where the provocation is so gross and so strong that a court imposes a very short prison sentence or even a suspended sentence for the manslaughter — typically , cases where a wife , son , or daughter kills a persistently bullying husband or father — and such cases raise the more general question of whether provocation should ever be a complete defence to homicide or to other crimes .
18 Another sign of attachment is the revival of the art of cameo-cutting , beginning with the commissions bestowed by popes , prelates and connoisseurs at the time of the Renaissance , persisting through the period of bourgeois dominance and continuing into the present age of enfranchisement even to the point at which resort has had to be made to substitute materials like shell or paste to satisfy a greatly enlarged market .
19 The comparisons in the Allegro giocoso finale are also fascinating , when Thea King at a slightly slower speed than either Johnson or Collins finds a more relaxed manner for the haunting main theme with its trotting rhythms .
20 Although attempts to inject a more strategic element into economic management were made in the aftermath of the fuel crisis of 1947 , in practice they went little further than attempts at greater co-ordination .
21 British Social Attitudes , The Eighth Report , recently published by Dartmouth Publishing Company , shows that homeowners have a much greater level of satisfaction than those who rent .
22 It is well-established that Newton had a most difficult personality , revealed on occasions in outright insanity ; so much so that his name routinely appears on lists , such as those compiled by Prentky and Karlsson , of psychosis among the outstandingly creative .
23 Dr Fleming said the reason was that Germans had a quite different medical tradition and expected to see a specialist .
24 If one adds to this not only the fictionalised account of Nizan 's existence in Les Chemins de la liberte and " Drole d'amitie " in the guise of Brunet and Schneider/Vicarios , but also the dramatised account of Nizan 's existence in Les Mains sales in the guise of Hugo and Hoederer , it is clear that Nizan played a highly significant role in Sartre 's life , and that his memory lingered long after Nizan 's death in 1940 .
25 Willey held things together for a while and the total reached 252 , helped by no fewer than 52 extras since the ball was moving around so much that Murray had a very hard time behind the stumps .
26 Such cases have led linguists to argue that transformations have a more complex interrelation with meaning than was assumed by Ohmann .
27 As a faithful reader you should know that NME has a somewhat irreverent attitude towards Pink Floyd and Mike Oldfield .
28 It may have been from a belief that deputies provide a less good service , although published research has shown high patient satisfaction with deputies .
29 To compare receptivity toward the Copernican innovation as a means of testing the hypothesis that Protestantism created a more favorable climate for science leads to few definite conclusions .
30 ( 1980 ) and Wood , McMahon and Cranstoun ( 1980 ) in relation to the nursery , must make us question the claims that schools provide a linguistically rich environment , able to provide compensation for children believed to be linguistically deprived at home .
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