Example sentences of "[conj] [unc] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is the common law position and s16(3) provides for the possibility of a court implying stricter terms so that the reasonable care provision may be regarded as the minimum legal requirement .
2 Furthermore , a brisk black market sprang up immediately as people without savings bought old Rbs50 and Rbs100 notes for a fraction of their face value .
3 And he did the course and after he 'd finished the course he found a house up Road and er sent for the family .
4 Yeah and we wound , re-wound the tape and er looked for the number and it 's the same number , I 've done it three times and I got this other bloke and I went right through it once and it says
5 and she 'd got er little Zoe and er stayed for a couple of hours , had a cup of tea and you know .
6 Could I erm , bring back to order and er ask for the approval for agenda eighteen
7 GET and GET$ wait for a " key " ( character ) to be present in the keyboard buffer and then return the ASCII number of the key ( see Annex A ) or a string containing the character of the key .
8 This leads to the Maxwell-Bloch equations , which are the basis for the subsequent treatment : where the Rabi frequency has been written explicitly in polar form , G is a coupling constant and <> allows for a velocity average over the Maxwellian distribution of longitudinal velocities of the atoms .
9 Before I were yeah , she was on , on war work you see on the hand grenades , that was on the , on the ground floor , of course there were a lot of old cottages er the one at the end , and erm there was something about those oh when , when we did erm er when we did erm locks for the erm hotels there were called , they used to say no they used , there would be about a hundred keys for the guests who clocked in for the er for the hotel and they would each be given a key to the same lock you see , and they used to call those keys to pass , sometimes there was more than a hundred keys to one lock but er wait for the bell or
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