Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [vb infin] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If so , chances are you have a serious drinking problem , or may have one in the future .
2 Someone may grab your collar with both hands in order to head-butt you in the face , or may seize you by the hair to punch you .
3 It is also what your collection people , sales people , delivery people and the grapevine tell you or should tell you about your customers .
4 Or , like the note from a sick friend sent to the about-to-be-murdered Mrs Abby Borden of Fall River , it might mean something or might mean nothing at all .
5 Grammar schools already had adequate facilities or could build them from scratch .
6 Techs who were expert in the Machine Mysteries , autonomous-minded slaves , administrators , ship crews — all the host of support staff for the Marine chapter — slept in modestly comfortable dormitories … assuming that they needed , or could avail themselves of modest comfort during sleep-time .
7 These various substantives evoke a state or quality which disposes the support to perform an action ( willingness , desire , impudence , ability , etc. ) , an action he performs which prevents or could prevent him from realizing it ( hesitation , refusal , reluctance , etc. ) , something he needs in order to realize it ( right , permission ) , a circumstance in which he finds himself which favours something 's occurrence ( chance , occasion ) , etc. — all of which evoke a situation existing before the infinitive event , and so imply a reference to a prior position of the support .
8 Most of this Greg felt he could ignore : either he had read it , or could read it in more convenient circumstances .
9 Indeed it did , to anybody who remembered or could visual-ise it as a busy dock .
10 No other observer was so close to Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge [ q.v. ] during their most productive years together at Alfoxden and Grasmere ; and no one else had such an eye for the landscapes which inspired them , or could provide them with living materials for poetry out of her own observations .
11 Not that any amount of designer labels would or could reconcile her to the prospect of meeting Antoinette again .
12 That leaves us then with or would leave us with a substantial provision in Greater York .
13 The second argues more generally that since we have made mistakes , or would make them in imaginary similar circumstances , we do not know now .
14 The argument is that we or others have made mistakes in the past or would make them in circumstances which , so far as we can tell , are not relevantly different from our present circumstances .
15 Your Field Officer will either provide you with direct advice and support or will put you in touch with someone who can help .
16 I do n't know if umm Jeff or , would know anybody or can do anything with this .
17 He can make his birds fly like an arrow — in a straight line , in single file — or can direct them to any place he likes , in any formation .
18 Children can present data in simple block graphs , pictograms or sets , or can enter it into a computer , using suitable software , to compile their own database .
19 You know you need some information , resource investigator can either give it to you because he 's got it or can find it for you .
20 Given that over 20% of A-level papers are failed , that is reasonable : why gamble two years of lost earnings on studies that may leave you with no certificate at all ?
21 ‘ He may have some dreadful secret in his past that he wants to confess to you — something that may shake you to the core . ’
22 We may be meant to think that time is simultaneous , in a way that may owe something to the simultaneity propounded , ‘ perhaps ’ , in Eliot 's Four Quartets , where ‘ History is now and England ’ ; or that it is cyclical , a turning wheel , with human depravity paling into insignificance as the wheel turns into modern times .
23 In examining these conflicts and changes the particular aims of the researchers are to : elucidate the changes that occurred in the UK defence science and technology system in the 1980 's and to analyse their dynamics and interactions ; ii identify and examine the assumptions about the future being made by firms and governments to guide their current decision-making in this area ; iii consider whether clear and stable structural trends are emerging , and the factors that may influence them in the 1990's , including the transition to a single European market ; iv establish a better framework for assessing contemporary developments in defence technology policy and their consequences for other areas of science and technology policy .
24 Slightly clumsy hard rock that may make it in America later .
25 His apprehensions are fuelled by a crop of injuries that may deprive him of Paul McGrath ( hamstring ) , Kevin Moran ( bruised back ) and Steve Staunton ( ankle ) .
26 To inform them of who to contact if they have a problem plus benefits , discounts etcet etcetera , with particular emphasis on accrual benefits that may be lost if membership lapses , and the possible mention of loyalty benefits that may assist them in helping to recruit and retain other members .
27 We mourn the loss of the person who died and we respond to the change that this effects in our lives with panic or elation or anxiety or a whole gamut of emotions that may take us by surprise .
28 A principle of inquiry can not be something that may keep us from recognizing a clear and settled conception .
29 There were one or two things that may concern them ( the scratchy sound of the orchestra for one ) , though nothing that should deter them from tuning in , for the singing was generally fine , with particularly good contributions from the basses ( Michael George and Peter Harvey ) , the soprano Nancy Argenta , the tenor Andrew Murgatroyd , the ‘ cantor ’ Nicholas Robertson and the choir itself , here expanded , of course , to The Twenty .
30 Since her death he had never wanted to touch anything that might remind him of her .
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