Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Granulocytes and mononuclear cells relax precontracted distal colonic circular smooth muscle in vitro by the release of NO that may contribute to motility disorders of the gut associated with inflammation .
2 ‘ It puts an extra strain on your entire body , ’ points out Heartwatch co-ordinator Andrew Smart , ‘ causing damage to joints and increasing the chances of illnesses that may lead to heart attacks or strokes or diabetes . ’
3 Pragmatism may appropriately be referred to as a via media between , on the one hand , an empiricism and positivism that may lead to inhumanism and , on the other , a rationalistic Idealism that may become out of touch with contemporary realities .
4 All we can do here is to draw attention to the existing divorce , and to suggest measures that may lead to reunion .
5 We reserve the right to edit correspondence for length and to remove potentially libellous statements , or other matter that may lead to litigation .
6 As Menachem Begin recalled ‘ Ben Gurion used to say that if you 're pursuing a policy that may lead to war , it 's vital to have a great power behind you . ’
7 What about any claims that may come to light in the future , for instance in relation to products that you may already have bought from the company ?
8 As far as council support goes , we 've been granted the use of both the station centre itself , so that we can have a retail outlet for furniture , bric-a-brac , books , the kind of thing that might go to landfill , but which people might very well want to use .
9 In brief , the good leader , the man who could inspire his army , not merely he who could avoid the obvious pitfalls of generalship which Frontinus had pointed out , might be born with certain inherent qualities , but these had to be developed in the only way that could lead to success , through practice and experience .
10 They waited … waited before the edge that could lead to eternity .
11 consider inspection procedures which could lead to early detection of damage that could lead to failure of a blade
13 Europe 's leading primate centre , which pioneered bone-marrow transplantation in the 1960s and which now supplies animals for AIDS research , faces a financial crisis that could lead to closure .
14 As in an Indian raga , a particular sequence of notes serves as the basis for variations that could continue to infinity ; eventually , however , it returns to its theme .
15 It 's a very basic vertical scroller that would fail to enthral most people , simply because ( a ) it looks bad , ( b ) it sounds worse , and ( c ) it plays terribly .
16 During the French referendum , those urging the French to vote Yes argued that the alternative was a Europe that would revert to nationalism and division .
17 Perhaps I might just take the chance to say that if there is a local group that would like to hospitality to people from developing countries that are at the Institute , we always welcome that sort of opportunity and invitation .
18 The aquarium must be placed on polystyrene base mats , covering the whole area of the base to spread any pressure points that will lead to disaster .
19 Even old brass curtain rings can be used as small circular frames , and I am sure that the more you look , the more the ideas that will come to mind .
20 As a consequence , it is now back in the game as a sponsor of a conference that can lead to peace , as we all hope it will .
21 In the same way it is suspicious of women , and the way in which they can transform tears into a source of erotic and celebratory power that can lead to resurrection .
22 You ca n't tell who 's got HIV , the virus that can lead to AIDS .
23 There are many factors that can contribute to alcohol misuse .
24 It 's amazing the ideas that can come to mind with a little thought and some extra effort on your part .
25 The case is likely now to be reopened , and may go to court .
26 It causes feather loss , is painful , and may lead to cannibalism .
27 Section 5 covers convictions for minor offences , e.g. a failure to deliver a return , account or document to the Registrar of Companies , and may lead to disqualification for a maximum period of five years .
28 Breach of the requirements set out in the 1963 Act is a criminal offence and may lead to prosecution .
29 Alcohol in conjunction with sugar increases the release of insulin , a hormone which may cause a lowering of blood sugar and may lead to obesity .
30 These will arise , whether justified or not , and may lead to resentment on the part of employees if managements fail to deal with the problems quickly .
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