Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Unnecessarily high costs can be passed on under average cost pricing ( solution 1 ) , can result in a higher fixed charge to ensure break-even under a two-part tariff ( solution 2 ) , or can require a larger subsidy ( solution 3 ) .
2 What this means in practice is that through these schemes , monthly repayments are considerably reduced , which means customers save money or can afford a higher specification model if they wish .
3 Three newspaper man with nothing else to report , since the Transvaal crisis was deemed beyond their capability , were despatched to Broadstairs to try to rootle out any facts that might justify a further paragraph .
4 We therefore used data from a large case-control study to look at differences between Maori and non-Maori children and examine factors that might explain the higher mortality from sudden death infant syndrome among Maori children .
5 He certainly held deep convictions as to the absolute wrongness of the Liberal policies that he opposed , but at least a part of his apparent hostility was assumed for the occasion , a hard line that might secure a better compromise in the end .
6 Only clear , colourless samples without obvious debris were therefore analysed and these were centrifuged to minimise contamination by particles that could block the spectrometer nebuliser .
7 In summary , Paint and Create does very little that has not been done elsewhere — but what it does achieve is to bring together in one coherent and consistent product a series of easy to use enjoyable programs that will delight the younger user , and more importantly provoke use of imagination and of creative thought .
8 But there 's a few things that will please the older fans .
9 We have identified five forms of ‘ related ’ diversification that can pass the better-off test .
10 Among the Board 's principal aims is to provide the leadership that can negotiate a further reduction in betting tax to help put racing on a firm financial footing .
11 Erm first , first of all erm Sue has , has just er reminded me that the , the government is , is considering the matter of planning application fees and we understand that there could be some proposals which erm modify the way in which er those fees are set and may give a greater erm autonomy to local authorities to set their own level of fees , in order to allow them to erm recoup erm more of or perhaps even all of the costs of operating the service , but that is something that 's er definitely for the future er and er is , is not entirely .
12 It is interesting though that another internal street adheres closely to the line of the southward approach into the town , and may represent an earlier version of Dere Street before Hadrian 's Wall was built .
13 He had planned the whole scheme and ought to have a better idea than me of what was going to happen .
14 An ANDF version of the Oracle database — some 1.3 million lines of code — is currently underway and should provide a sterner test of claims for the technology .
15 A man weighs about as much as 3000 mice , and might need a bigger dose on the same scale .
16 These people had been highly politicised during the ‘ ten years of chaos ’ and could infect the younger generation , already causing some problems , with their negative attitudes and ideas .
17 Julian took her companion by the hand , and wormed her way round elbows and between shoulders as far down the street as she could , drawing Brother John after her ; but before she was close enough to the gatehouse to see what was happening there she was brought to a halt , and could move no farther .
18 On each trip I overheard snatches of the bar-room conversations and could hear the louder buzz of continuing upheaval along in the lounge , and I thought that after I 'd satisfied everyone in the dining room I might drift along to the far end with my disarming little tray .
19 Zhao was allowed to retain his party membership and would face no further charges , but the decision effectively foreclosed any possibility of his early rehabilitation .
20 If that same investor holds his equities or unit trusts directly , he would receive £75 both before and after the tax credit changes and would face no further charges .
21 If the drawer ( due to recourse ) and the drawee were highly credit rated then the bill would be a fine trade bill and would attract a finer , smaller discount , i.e. a lower effective rate of interest , due to the smaller risk of default .
22 I would like to pursue both of these issues with the Welsh Office and would appreciate a better understanding of what is being achieved through the forum and how voluntary environmental bodies feel about the White Paper Second Year Report procedure , which requires the publication of a separate report for Wales .
23 It will ( at best ) clarify the intentions behind the choice of tasks and activities , and will give a sharper sense of timing and may offer more variety for the children .
24 This will allow the mechanisms whereby participants are able to influence the standards making process to be identified , and will facilitate a better understanding of the introduction of national , international and manufacturers ' standards .
25 The company believes that architects do not favour linear lamps and will welcome the smaller point-source of light provided by this single-ended lamp .
26 The married couples allowance will be restricted to the 20pc reduced tax band and will cost a higher rate tax payer about £370 per annum .
27 The Hedgerow Protection Bill introduced by Conservative MP Peter Ainsworth was " talked out " by fellow Conservatives from rural areas and will receive no further parliamentary time .
28 The Ministry therefore feel that they can do nothing to restrict its spread , and will take no further action .
29 The same I 'm afraid applies to the two competitors from our region , Sarah Niklin and Nina Holloway have n't made the cut and will take no further part in the tournament .
30 I consider they will accept the continued need for a night sleeper for now on but that within a short period of instituting a full paid up carer regime they will revert to a regime which includes only one paid carer and will provide the further physical assistance between them .
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