Example sentences of "[conj] [be] not [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 From now on I will use the term " marriage " simply to denote the institution immediately under discussion without prejudging the issue as to whether the different kinds of " marriage " thus presented are or are not members of a single logical class .
2 Alternatively , if the target is a company which is not listed , or is not part of a listed group , then it is likely that the shareholders will be limited in number , accessible and able to agree to proceed .
3 Well next spring , in May of next year , we 're looking to put a trip together to go to the northwest of the country , to Old Trafford , obviously er Manchester United 's home ground , also to Anfield and also to a couple of er other places that are n't sort of sporty but I 'm sure will interest you .
4 Another major problem for speech systems is interference from background noise , since it is necessary to remove sounds from the input data that are not part of the speech signal .
5 At work you are told to do tasks that are not part of your job , including operating machinery which you believe to be dangerous .
6 This may include sections that are not part of the main rulebook , eg as contract terms .
7 If now we conceive of a class comprising all classes that are not members of themselves , would this class be a member of itself , or would it not be a member of itself ?
8 They also include a couple of originals that were not part of the promotion , plus Jane Barry 's Casting ( Corgi ) for a light fun read , and Liane Jones ' The Dreamstone ( Mandarin ) for a glorious time-travel romance .
9 Esher ( 1981 ) has suggested that Britain has experienced three ‘ Rebuilds ’ : the Enlightenment , the Industrial Revolution and the Welfare State : ‘ fashioned by wartime social democrats in England , which would for the first time in history build cities that were not dramatizations of privilege and poverty ’ ( p. 278 ) .
10 Smoothing aims to remove any upward or downward movement in the series that is not part of a sustained trend .
11 The reason is that the folding of the ears brings them forward and this places them in a posture that is not part of the usual ear-lowering signal .
12 There was a need for concerted action that was not evidence of weakness but of ‘ confidence and strength ’ .
13 But in the seventeenth century some philosophers , such as Descartes and Malebranche , had extended this to saying that tastes and colours are , like pains , simply subjective modifications , and are not properties of material objects after all .
14 If they became angry at things said to them by professionals , as a majority of them did at some point , the horrifying causes of their anger were true , and were not projections of their own distress on to the professional concerned .
15 The meeting booked for 20th May is a one-off to discuss one item only and is n't part of the normal sequence .
16 The oil tank is made from polypropylene and is not part of the main frame .
17 Mr Keith Pavey , the architect responsible for the project , says , ‘ Car parks are a much-maligned building type and it is rare to have the opportunity to design one that stands alone and is not part of an office block , shopping centre or other development . ’
18 It should be noted that , in particular , the percentage completion is a difficult subjective judgement , probably made by the project leader , and is not part of the program .
19 However , there is a distinct intensional structure underlying them ( again , the underlining is purely to indicate which P we are interested in , and is not part of our notational system ) : ( 47 ) That is , users of English interpret the relation between the property of the adjective and the word or phrase which instantiates the preceding entity in just the same way as they would interpret the relation between a predicative adjective and the subject in an explicit clause ; it therefore seems reasonable to call adjectives so used clausal adjectives .
20 Section 24 may also be used by a hotelier who is prosecuted under s.14 where the overbooking was due to the actions or default of the receptionist or reception manager and was not part of the hotelier 's policy .
21 The respondents avoid this difficulty by submitting that requiring and delivering the wrappers was merely a condition which gave a qualification to buy and was not part of the consideration for sale .
22 I did n't understand it or share it and was n't part of it .
23 He admires this tradition , but is not part of it .
24 This fact is strikingly obvious to a linguist listening carefully to a conversation , but is not part of the " folk linguistics " of the community itself , who usually talk in terms of either speaking " ordinary English " or " chattin' Patois " .
25 But there are other bits of information you might want to give , like a photo opportunity , like a particular thing , something specific happening which related to the press release but 's not part of it .
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