Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The first of these has meant that systematic surveillance is carried out by the branch over organizations that regularly organize demonstrations and marches or are involved in industrial disputes .
2 First of all if one looks at the draft advice on the erm regional plan guidance prepared by the Yorkshire and Humberside local planning authorities , they in fact advocate new settlement as an appropriate circumstances , there is not a policy which says that they are not appropriate or are inconsistent with other policy objectives , and I note in that respect that the D O E as Mr Donson said , are mildly supportive of the new settlement in the Greater York area .
3 Is it possible to assign one function to each , or are some of mixed function ?
4 Many other cases raise only hints , come from uncertain contexts , or are doubtful for other reasons .
5 It is for broadcasting authorities to determine what constitutes the appropriate degree of impartiality , and they must not lose sight of their obligation not to include in their programmes matter which is likely to encourage or incite crime or be offensive to public feeling .
6 The new directions to be taken may not be indicated by the diagram , or be unclassifiable by present terminology anyway — but they may have something in common with what is gathered here : ambition and invention , perseverance , independence , wit .
7 They may dislike or be jealous of new step-brothers or sisters .
8 This was a deliberate policy : it was felt that anyone with sufficient education to understand or be interested in foreign news could be expected to listen to and understand English .
9 One final observation : It is possible , although I could n't reproduce the effect on the three models made , that a switch-mode power system may oscillate or be unstable on open or very light loads .
10 Several of the other known members of such groups had Arab connections or were opposed to Zionist ambitions in Palestine .
11 At the end of the financial year , the Institute 's membership register contained , in addition to the eight Honorary Fellows , the names of 103,415 members who had paid their subscriptions for 1992 or were eligible for free membership .
12 Observation is the key … looking for wet leaves … the shimmer of diesel on the road … or being aware of icy conditions .
13 Ss 4 and 5 contain provisions under which a charity can be required to change its name if it is too much like another 's , or is misleading in other ways .
14 The 1959 Mental Health Act defined mental disorder as : mental illness ; arrested or incomplete development of mind ; and psychopathic disorder — the last a controversial category further defined as ‘ a persistent disorder or disability of mind … which results in abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct … and requires , or is susceptible to medical treatment ’ .
15 This can create training problems later , if a dog is not used to cars , for example , as it may be reluctant to travel in this way , or is nervous of passing vehicles .
16 If one of the few upstream firms integrates with a downstream firm , then its previous customers may find their supply of input dries up , or is subject to onerous terms .
17 Under the scheme , forest management and surveillance will be maintained and local people will be permitted to continue to exploit the forest in ways that are supportive of existing ecosystems .
18 Although the entry in the general dictionary understandably includes a variety of collocations that are representative of other domains ( e.g. ’ vote ’ , ’ politic ’ , ’ conservative ’ , ’ society ’ , and ’ public ’ , all of which suggest an origin in parliamentary proceedings ) , there are still a large number of words common to both entries .
19 A European Pharmacovigilance Research Group ( EPRG ) has been set up ; it was established with support from the European Commission under the Biomed Programme to develop and validate methods of pharmacovigilance that are applicable to the divergent patterns of health care delivery across the European Community and that are compatible with national legal , cultural , and ethical customs .
20 Well , there 's been quite a lot of , of , of chat recently that , that erm , because of cross-media ownership erm , companies that are involved in cross-media ownership would have , have problems .
21 The chapter as a whole draws attention to a number of key methodological issues that are involved in environmental monitoring and prediction .
22 Not surprisingly , the lawyer focuses criticism on the economists essentially theoretical approach where assumptions are unrealistic , and where , as a consequence , they lead ‘ to conclusions that are subject to overwhelming qualifications . ’
23 Its mechanisms have been studied most fully in vascular plants of commercial importance , for example cereals , green vegetables and shelter-belt trees , in temperate boreal regions that are subject to hard winter frosts ( Kaurin et al . ,
24 It is also stipulated in the agreement that the only works of art that may not be transferred to Bilbao from New York are those that are subject to American legal restrictions , or works that are too fragile to travel .
25 In contrast , the Madeira basalts have 87 Sr/ 86 Sr , 143 Nd/ 144 Nd and 207 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios that are similar to modern MORB ( Fig. 2 a ) , and among the most extreme yet measured for OIB .
26 And your own personal ‘ diata ’ will help you to build up the long term eating habits that are necessary for good health .
27 We want to see such wastes dealt with to the highest possible standards in ways that are consistent with industrial economics .
28 These are the regions of the spectrum that are available for remote sensing .
29 These are the regions of the spectrum that are available for remote sensing .
30 The remainder of this section briefly describe the manuals that are available for related LIFESPAN products .
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