Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 iv Survey the legal and structural arrangements that have been introduced and/or are associated with US/UK high technology defence programmes .
2 People have been shown ( 1 ) to prefer proximity to kin ( presumably , the better to help them ) , ( 2 ) to actually help their kin ( presumably in ways likely to enhance their reproductive success ) , and ( 3 ) to produce more children and grandchildren when they live close to and/or are helped by kin .
3 The other is that George shot Lennie because Lennie would have either gone to jail where Lennie could not have coped , or been shot by Curley and never reached heaven with his dreams fulfilled .
4 People who 've eaten castor beans or been injected with ricin have died from severe shock
5 During her time at Brentwoods , although she had never actually gone to a cinema with another man , she had often entertained or been entertained by members of the opposite sex , usually at lunchtime , occasions which she had afterwards described in detail to Brian , much to his amusement .
6 Significant progress was made during December in recovering the bodies of Western hostages who had died or been killed during captivity .
7 THE JULIE WARD inquest ended yesterday with counsel for the Kenyan state still maintaining she might have committed suicide or been killed by animals .
8 A minority kill themselves , or systematically intoxicate themselves , or withdraw into various psychotic or schizophrenic states ; but , as the various experts he talks to point out , this is often because of the difficulties they have caused themselves , or been caused by others .
9 But this neatly organised hierarchy of the document is misleading ; the listing was made because the archbishops were unsure of their rights after years of maladministration when many of the services had ceased or been exchanged for cash payments .
10 During the same period , the North American mink has escaped or been released from fur farms and has spread almost nationwide .
11 She relaxed , as satisfied as if she had chaired a difficult meeting through to its triumphant conclusion or been acclaimed at Board level for the fresh approach of her latest report .
12 Whoever wrote that had never had unpleasant memories to drown , thought Huy , or been confronted with truths too horrible to face .
13 Eagle argued that Mr Ferriday had arranged for its money to be used to satisfy his obligations under the sub-underwriting arrangements that Savory Milln had entered into in circumstances in which Savory Milln ought to have known or been put on inquiry that the money had been misappropriated from Eagle .
14 Whether creole varieties are termed ‘ dialects of ’ English or are regarded as languages in their own right is a Political and ideological question , which concerns the social identity of groups of speakers .
15 Equally the enunciation of statements C and D may enable certain individuals to dominate the group in the name of an ‘ imagined community ’ of race or class which they either claim or are made by others to represent .
16 Special classification schemes exist with more limited aims of covering just one main subject area , or are compiled in accordance with the interests of one user group .
17 Women will no longer accept that they are relegated to the kitchen or are treated as machines for the production of children .
18 Of the 426 chemicals cleared for use in farming , 166 are known to cause , or are suspected of links with cancer , birth defects , genetic mutations and allergies .
19 The right hon. Gentleman is aware that a number of European economies either have been in recession or are moving towards recession at precisely the moment when the United Kingdom economy is poised to come out of recession .
20 A number of actuaries are members of the Stock Exchange in London or are employed by Stock Exchange firms .
21 Otherwise they are syphoned off into mysterious Liechtenstein trusts , or are invested in companies whose identities are kept secret .
22 Three percent are classed as ineducable and either stay at home with their families or are placed in welfare institutions — parents wishing to have teaching for these children have to pay privately .
23 Anyone who has visited a number of medieval castles will know how admirable their sites often are : how they command distant views , or river crossings , or are placed in situations of great natural strength .
24 Yet some women continue to feel unwell or are plagued by discomforts such as varicose veins , backache , bleeding gums or faintness .
25 We pray for those who are ill , or are recovering from illness , especially for Jim Jackson and Doreen Parris .
26 Frequently however these problems go unnoticed or are hidden from view Only the nurse herself is aware of the difficulty .
27 They have no tradition of sharing pay-notes as do miners who work under , or are influenced by rules for work relations generated under , the cavilling/marra system .
28 We 've all seen pictures of Page 3 girls and pornographic images of women showing the female body in a constantly inviting , sexual way just walking into a newsagent 's on a Sunday morning often means you are surrounded by them ) and it is hardly surprising if girls themselves , as well as men , sometimes feel confused ; believing that girls might ‘ want ’ to be raped , or are asking for trouble , if they dress up to go out , or behave independently by going out or walking home alone .
29 In such assemblies the individual piece-parts are related simply by the geometric relationships that occur by accident or are required by design .
30 Danby and the other great Gorge masters rarely come to auction or are found for sale in galleries .
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