Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] only [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One possibility is for the purchaser to provide that part of the purchase price will be reduced and repaid to the purchaser if certain material consents are not received or if only a proportion of material consents are received .
2 In many absolutist states the myth that if only the Tsar or the Führer knew about the people 's grievances he would act to resolve them was carefully fostered by state propaganda and even more so in Romania by the Securitate 's rumour machine .
3 This is a serious omission , redolent of the old habits of thought that if only the public will trust Whitehall , all will be well .
4 People who have been held awkwardly may in their turn be stiff , ashamed of nudity or partial nudity , or carry a fantasy that if only the scene were properly set , rosy lights dimly aglow , all would come right .
5 But he remained convinced that if only the Elector could hear him he would change his mind :
6 and that if only the balancing act was involved the registrar 's order should stand .
7 This means that , even if a given address is known , it will be reached no more quickly than if only the track on which the record is stored is known .
8 But then what he then went on to say was , that since only the wife would be able to spend from that account , then put the money after it had been dealt with for the wife 's tax purposes , into a joint account , on which both could draw .
9 Even before last night 's talks began , AEEU general secretary Gavin Laird said he was ‘ extremely pessimistic ’ and that only a miracle could prevent the plant 's closure .
10 It stated that he had seen an advertisement in the papers asking for designs for the redevelopment of the whole area between Downing Street and Great George Street , yet Hall knew the Cabinet had decided against this large scheme and that only the purchase of the Fludyer Street area would be completed .
11 Only we are behaving as if it 's nothing to do with us and that only the West is to blame for the thousands who turn their back on us . ’
12 Indeed , there is much evidence to suggest that many collocations found in natural text are domain-independent , and that only the analysis of a sufficiently large and general corpus will provide coverage of such structures .
13 But , as I have said , the impression I was given in 1944 by three officers of the S.A.S. was that Leslie and his men had been dropped , and that only the plane itself had not returned .
14 She had thought everyone would have gone to the Oyster Bar and that only the night-watchman would be in the building .
15 Christ says everywhere that everything temporal is false , and that only the abstract is real . ’
16 Relations with Austen Chamberlain were never quite the same and although only a handful of MPs refused to sign the memorial they included personal friends of Law like Amery and Aitken .
17 This is because chemists ' experiments last for years not thousands of millions of years , and because only a handful of chemists , not thousands of millions of chemists , are engaged in doing these experiments .
18 ‘ Induction offers the chef total control down to the last degree , and because only the pan is heated it means chefs no longer have to work in a hot , uncomfortable kitchen environment . ’
19 Next , fro(5) , squaring and adding , we have unc and since only the uth , vth columns and rows have changed , we deduce that the sum of the squares of all the off-diagonal elements of B is less than that of A since we have replaced the two elements Auv of A by zeros in B. Thus unc Having evaluated B , we repeat the procedure to find C ; we select the element Bpq of largest modulus and find unc from ( see 4 ) ) unc we then proceed as before to construct unc and
20 In fact they needed little breaking in and after only a couple of long walks they were very comfortable indeed .
21 ‘ But then the team suffered a run of injuries and after only a handful of matches I was back on the field . ’
22 But since only the score achieved so far is used , no account is taken of the possibility of right context effects increasing the score of the whole path .
23 But while only a fool would argue that smoking is harmless , many people remain blissfully ignorant about the dangers of the sun .
24 She had n't thought she would understand what Fand meant ; but after only a moment the sense came to her that she was looking at a prisoner — at someone captive , helpless .
25 Thus a car which is so seriously damaged that its chassis is distorted could no longer be accurately described as new , even after being repaired , whereas if only the engine were damaged the car could be restored to newness by a new engine being installed .
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