Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] if [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It might , however , be argued to the contrary that the mistake is really one as to civil law , which does afford a defence , or that if the mistake is a factual one ( e.g. was he a constable ? ) he should also not be convicted .
2 Much of the resetting of the lunar radiometric clocks is probably the result of impact heating , except that if the mare basalt samples are chips off lava infill then the resetting here would correspond to the solidification of geologically produced lavas .
3 Except that if the Bishop 's good wife is there , she 'll probably have said it over the Bishop already .
4 ( 2 ) Damage arising from a direct collision between vehicles insured by the parties to this Agreement and the Policy issued by one of those parties being a fleet insurance or part of a fleet insurance as defined hereunder a ) and not granting indemnity against such damage to the insured vehicle or b ) being subject to an excess of more than $100 in respect of such damage , that party shall pay a ) one half of the loss of the other party in respect of the damage to their Insured 's vehicle or b ) not more than half the excess save and except that if the amount recoverable is $50 or less this clause will be inoperative .
5 Does he agree that the price being paid by 2.5 million unemployed this Christmas is too high , and that if a price has to be paid for the economic mess that our country is in , it should be paid in full by himself and his ragbag of right hon. Friends ?
6 Mr. Arlidge 's argument is as follows : The word ‘ defer ’ in this context means ‘ put off ’ or ‘ postpone ’ or ‘ delay ’ and that if a trial takes place after a time which is obviously longer than that normally required for the preparation of a trial of that nature , then there has been the kind of delay prohibited by the statute .
7 He promised that the resistance would not lay down its arms until the last Soviet soldier had left Afghanistan and that if a deal was made over their heads the guerrillas would continue fighting even if foreign help were withdrawn .
8 The comparative absence of protest in the fifteenth century may be explained simply by the fact that depopulation was less of a social problem , and that if a lord evicted tenants , they still had a reasonable prospect of finding land elsewhere .
9 The fourteenth-century French canonist Honore Bouvet , whose Tree of Battles was widely circulated in various languages as well as in the original French , held that a man could engage in war on either side without imperilling his soul , and that if the combatant believed the war to be just , he might justly engage in it .
10 ’ At the same time as this Conrad work was in his head , Eliot received anthropological proof that ‘ Life is very long ’ for ‘ civilized ’ people and for ‘ savages ’ alike in an age of degeneration , and that if the savage revealed a level of horror hidden in city life , then similarly civilized man might corrupt the savage .
11 He should be told that the specimen of breath which he has given containing the lower proportion of alcohol exceeds the statutory limit but does not exceed 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath ; that in these circumstances he is entitled to claim to have this specimen replaced by a specimen of blood or urine if he wishes ; but that , if he does so , it will be for the constable to decide whether the replacement specimen is to be of blood or urine and that if the constable requires a specimen of blood it will be taken by a doctor unless the doctor considers that there are medical reasons for not taking blood , when urine may be given instead .
12 I was outraged by it and got on to Smith at once , saying that on no account should the students be flogged and that if the sentence was carried out I would leave immediately .
13 One of these is the pressure exerted by ice-crystal growth , the idea being that this is directional and that if the direction of growth is resisted by the wall of a void or crack then pressure will be exerted which may be sufficient to wedge the crack apart .
14 And that if the Editor wo n't wear the bogwood , then rocks would do anyway !
15 When Minton painted alongside students in the life class ( ‘ That was a marvellous adrenalin shot , ’ recalled Greaves ) he taught by example that a picture has to have a lively activity right up to the four edges of the canvas , and that if the background is treated merely as a secondary constituent to the model , areas of the canvas will become inert .
16 In Re Hammond & Waterton ( 1890 ) 62 LT 808 the court said that if a building dispute were referred to an umpire who was a barrister the procedure would be more likely to be an arbitration , and that if the umpire were a quantity surveyor it would be more likely to be a valuation .
17 I then said I was a friend of Sir Randolph Routh and that if the agent was not immediately taken in charge for assault , I should send in the strongest adverse report on his conduct of this entire vile business .
18 The defence argument was that this was a preliminary to ‘ conventional ’ intercourse , and that if the husband was exempt from liability for rape , he should equally be exempt from liability for indecent assault .
19 Elsewhere it has been argued that ecosystems are ordered arrangements of matter in which energy inputs carry out work ( Stoddart , 1965 ) and that if the energy input is removed the structure will break down until the components are randomly arranged which with maximum entropy is the most probable state .
20 The case indicates that the type of benefit which was provided from the property user was the fact that the taxpayer could live there without paying rent and that if the accommodation had not been provided he would have been obliged to hire a house elsewhere and pay rent for the same .
21 We believe , of the causal circumstance for the starting-to-work of the wipers , that since it happened , so did the effect — and that if the effect were missing , the causal circumstance would be missing or incomplete .
22 Remember that a writ can be issued by fax in an emergency ( RSCOrder 6 , r 7 ) , that the day of the accident does not count for limitation purposes , that if the limitation expires on a Sunday you can issue on the Monday and that if the plaintiff is deceased , limitation runs from the date of death .
23 People have been talking to him about sickness and that if an office has erm people that are off sick a lot more than another office they 're at a disadvantage .
24 The earliest the matter can be raised again is in January when the new Congress returns , and although if the benefit is reintroduced it may well be retroactive to1 January , potential donors are biding their time for the moment .
25 And if if the soup was cold she 'd complain after it tell everyone how bad it was but she wo n't
26 No if if if if a party 's got a three hundred and twenty six
27 I mean , if if if the council
28 Yes , I I think , in cer in in most cases that would happen , would n't it , if if if the child starts off with a feeling of insecurity , with possible instability .
29 laughter so that by the time we came to do the five practical ev exercises you know everybody was in a very relaxed and jolly mood but I think that 's was it 's about but from the results that we were getting from the practical exercises clearly what he said had taken root you know roll key words , roll them around in your mind er try running through letters of the alphabet to match up with your key word chains and you know if if if the word is ball try roll see if you can get it to rhyme and ultimately the creme de la creme is if you can actually get the title of a song or
30 Well er as I say I think , er if if if the County Council are are insisting that any new settlement erm should be self contained , I think one would need to see what that definition is before we can be clear as to whether or not it has it has strategic implications .
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