Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many comprehensives are also nervous about returning to the council embrace , notably the 40 previously earmarked for closure or where their high-profile success has got up important noses .
2 Transferring shifts the person to a job where they can capitalize on some especially strong or unusual skill or where their particular deficiency will not really matter .
3 That will comprise a potentially exempt transfer regardless of where the life tenant resides or where his ordinary place of residence is or where he is domiciled .
4 Where an officer wants to see what a new or unconsented discharge consists of , therefore , or where his own judgment suggests that a discharge may be polluting , he turns to his sample bucket , which offers the ultimate means for practical purposes of establishing the kind and degree of pollution .
5 Where you are fortunate in making reasonably rapid recovery , or where your medical condition stabilises quickly , then we may be able to conclude your case within 12 to 18 months of the your instructing us .
6 She could have been anywhere between twenty-five and forty , but Jezrael did n't care that her boss was n't wearing plastiface or that her hazel eyes looked like they might brim with mirth .
7 A number of people were granted exemption on the grounds either that they were too poor to pay taxes and rates or that they had a certificate signed by the minister and parish officers to the effect that their premises were worth not more than 1 per annum or that their personal property was worth less than £10 per annum ; however , no exemption was allowed anyone possessing more than two hearths .
8 There may develop a fear that they are uniquely abnormal or that their sexual practices are uniquely unnatural .
9 Much political research still relies on this approach to explain how government is maintained , but immediate problems that present themselves are that it can not be assumed either that the institutions or organisations themselves do really exercise power or that their nominal members are all equally active in such exercise of power as there is .
10 Even when this was not the overt purpose , research results have been used to justify particular aspects of women 's subordination : thus even today it is sometimes said that girls do n't become engineers because they lack spatial ability , or that their relative lack of aggression makes them less effective leaders .
11 Small wonder there is now talk in Bonn that the Social Democrats in the Bundesrat may block legislation ; that Mr Kohl , though chancellor , may be dumped by his party , as Ludwig Erhard once was ; or that his centre-right coalition with the Free Democrats will split , as the centre-left one led by Helmut Schmidt did in 1982 .
12 If you intertwine your fingers together , it is equally true to say that your right hand is in your left , or that your left hand is in your right .
13 This might be sensible if you were advised that your claim would be better presented in the formal atmosphere of the civil courts , or that your wrongful dismissal claim is so much more substantial that it will lead almost inevitably to a settlement of the lesser , unfair dismissal claim .
14 Even to-day I am still surprised that our history master should have thought it worth while to include in his course a class in Plato 's Republic … or that our English master should take me to his home to show me his excellent library and especially his fine editions of Blake and Donne .
15 If the body 's vitality is low , or if its reactive powers have been suppressed through long exposure to steroid drugs , homoeopathic remedies are often ineffective .
16 Where judgment is entered in default under Ord 9 , r 6 the court may on application , or if its own motion , set aside or vary the judgment ( Ord 37 , r 4 ) .
17 Patients were ineligible if they had previously undergone a colposcopic examination because of a report of abnormal cytology , if their cervical smear was taken during pregnancy , or if their cervical smear indicated atypical endocervical cylindrical epithelium .
18 In other experiments , Papi has shown that pigeons do not home accurately if their nostrils are blocked , or if their olfactory nerve is cut , or if they are experimentally distracted by a strong smell ; but other experimenters have failed to repeat these results and it has proved impossible to train pigeons to make the relevant olfactory distinctions ( which is a standard , and powerful , method of testing for sensory abilities — p. 43 .
19 Most sellers will not wish to contract out of the right to sub-contract , since this gives them a very necessary flexibility in times of high demand , or if their own facilities can not produce the required goods for some reason .
20 And then , though in varying degrees , you can see or hear these specific kinds of work : relatively easily if they are specific forms of your own culture ; with more difficulty , and sometimes with absolute difficulty , if they are forms of some other , especially remote culture , or if your own culture is deeply divided and these forms come from an area that is strange to you .
21 Whether this is because their earlier success is an indicator that they have the appropriate capabilities , or because their earlier study has been important in preparing them for entry , or some combination of these , is difficult to say definitively without further research .
22 There are dozens of ministers , some highly qualified , who have been purged from the leadership by Mr Ceausescu , usually because they disagreed with him on particular issues or because their superior intelligence made him insecure .
23 Objects may appear at infrared wavelengths because they are cool , because they are obscured by dust that transmits only longer wavelengths , or because their intrinsic mechanism of radiation cuts off at wavelengths shorter than infrared .
24 More damaging to the continuity of sessions were the frequent occasions when teachers interrupted themselves , either because they did not have a very clear idea of what they were trying to say , or because their organizational structure was so complicated that they were trying to do too many things at once .
25 It may never have been genuinely effective , or it may have failed because the organism lost its antibiotic properties when it had been grown for years in artificial cultures , or because its commercial manufacture was inadequately supervised .
26 According to author Dr Eve Roman , ‘ it made no difference whether a woman worked on a VDU as part of her general day , whether she just used it occasionally or whether her only contact with a VDU was that it happened to be in the same room ’ .
27 The world must wait however to discover whether Kylie will be cast as some lovelorn , tragic Juliet to Jason 's Romeo or whether her musical will , in the mould of The Delinquents , be a rock and roll high school blockbuster , like Grease , the movie she admits she has loved since her Melbourne childhood .
28 If you feel constantly anxious and frightened about food , if you can not take pleasure in eating or in your body , if you know deep down that something is wrong , then it is irrelevant what you weigh or whether your immediate health is at risk ; you should take yourself and your feelings seriously , and look for help .
29 If the business has different sections or different sites , you should enquire whether all its employees have been considered for redundancy or whether your particular part of the operation is the only one which has come under scrutiny for cut-backs .
30 Even more alien to the spirit of British law , is a recent amendment to the Directive which enables a member state to declare an object a national treasure ‘ before or after its lawful removal ’ , and therefore take retrospective action at the point of sale or at any time subsequently .
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