Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [verb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On this basis education committee business and that of its sub-committees should be open to the public except when dealing with individual pupils .
2 The ‘ invisible hand ’ of market forces will mean that when faced with such a conflict , a financial intermediary will handle that situation in a scrupulously fair way ; for the market will impose such a discipline .
3 At the same time , the editor fails to remark that when dealing with military servomechanisms , you can speak of the future position of the gun and compare that with ‘ future ’ human purposes .
4 Could it therefore be , as the theorist Paul Dirac suggests , that when confronted with these non-local effects , quantum theory will prove to be inadequate ?
5 Yet Morse 's mind was never more fertile than when faced with some apparently insuperable obstacle , and even now he found it difficult to abandon his earlier , sweet hypothesis about the murder of Theodore Kemp .
6 There is a fundamental difference between the behaviour of lithosphere capped with oceanic crust ( oceanic lithosphere ) and that covered with continental crust ( continental lithosphere ) since only oceanic lithosphere can be generated at mid-oceanic ridges and subducted at oceanic trenches .
7 An unkempt coat will provide a refuge for parasites , and if soiled with faecal matter is likely to attract flies .
8 Electrostatic paper is even more delicate and if handled with damp hands the image will blur as the silver coating dissolves .
9 However , it is easily marked by heat , solvents and scratching and if starting with bare wood , it would be better to use a cold cure lacquer .
10 All our children need adequate resources in order to learn , and while working with such inadequate materials is difficult for the fully sighted , for the visually handicapped it is daunting .
11 Nor do we face , in the way that government repositories do , the problems of how and whether to cope with vast bodies of statistical material .
12 Remains of older persons present more of a problem , and when dealing with earlier populations , it is difficult to be sure that significant age-changes took place at the same time , and that they showed the same group variability , as in modem populations .
13 This includes giving instructions to the language helper and when communicating with any fellow students .
14 A visually outstanding picture book revealing the megalomania of Stalinist architecture both on paper and as realised with amazing diversity in popular palaces deriving most from Boullée , Piranesi and the Gothic cathedral .
15 The second daughter had died in childhood ; the fifth and sixth princesses , still children , were virtual prisoners of Horemheb in the royal palace of the Southern Capital , together with their aunt Nezemmut , Nefertiti 's younger sister ; and though treated with all the deference their rank demanded , they were never allowed anywhere unattended by a corps of Horemheb 's own men .
16 But while dealing with one of their biggest cases , the local branch of the RSPCA has still had to cope with all the day to day demands on their time .
17 Other figures yesterday showed turnover slightly lower at £116.1m from £119.5m , reflecting discontinued businesses , but when compared with continuing business the figure increased to that level from £108.6m .
18 The recompense is meagre , but when combined with ideological enthusiasm it helps sustain a new type of local politician .
19 But when confronted with such a defeat , changes at the top are needed , if only to revive enthusiasm and ideas .
20 ( c ) No partner should carry on any business which competes with the firm or from which he derives benefit at the expense of the firm Section 30 of the Partnership Act provides as follows : If a partner , without the consent of the other partners , carries on any business of the same nature as and competing with that of the firm , he must account for and pay over to the firm all profits made by him in that business .
21 While Vincente was there , glowering over you , radiating fitness and willpower , the ball seemed to behave in a dramatic way , as though fitted with miniature jet rockets .
22 She had hoped that Rosie Lane at least , who was usually willing to try anything once , would have accepted the challenge , but she demurred , pleading a headache , and Janice told her , in mysterious tones , as though provided with obscene , private information , that she would be mad to go to such a place , that it was rough there , and wicked beyond all Clara 's pitiful conceptions of wickedness , and that if she went there anything might happen to her .
23 He raised his arm to see its motion in the flesh of his thumb , and clamped his other hand around the base of the digit in the hope of stopping its further advance , gasping as though doused with ice-water. the pain was out of all proportion to the mite 's size , but he held both thumb and sobs hard , determined not to lose all dignity in front of his executioners .
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