Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise you 'd be out more or less into the night because you got to go and see the men at night you see ?
2 Now before we step the mast , we need to turn the boat more or less into the wind and that 's a good chance for us to start thinking about where the wind 's coming from .
3 She did not look back at Ursula or down into the valley , but trained her eyes forward , fixing them on the interior of the Mercedes and the dark shape of its occupant as , with every step , clarity threatened to break upon her vision .
4 I shoved twenty or so into the pouch .
5 A few paces below where the body lay , and a yard or so into the bushes , there was a patch of free stones , loosely overgrown with grass and lichen , and to all appearance undisturbed for a year or more ; until something about the clear outlining of the upper stone made him look closer .
6 Thereafter they would be into the East March , and following the enemy would be less straightforward , with the country opening out and various routes possible — into the Merse , down the Scots side of Tweed , down the English side , or southwards into the Till valley of Northumberland .
7 This treatment may be given by mouth ( when it is known as oral rehydration therapy or ORT ) or directly into the bloodstream in more serious cases .
8 The six competitors sat at the tea tables , together but strangely separate — each gazing at her hands or off into the distance , and never at one another .
9 Barrett 's oesophagus was diagnosed if the columnar mucosa extended 3 cm or more into the oesophagus above the gastro-oesophageal junction .
10 Watering can also be tricky as poinsettias do not like being too damp ; pour water into its saucer or carefully into the compost , never water all over the foliage .
11 It was not allowed to stand , merely to percolate through the roots , and channels-were dug to conduct the water away into another meadow or back into the stream or river .
12 You can move the receiver from room to room , or even into the garden ( as long as it is within a 50m radius of the transmitter ) , or fit one or more receivers around the house .
13 Another thing occurs to me — my machines take offence if another machine is introduced into the room — or indeed into the house .
14 The Soviet neutralisation plan for the Persian Gulf may have been intended to open up a strategic dialogue on a broad front to enable Soviet diplomats to introduce Western military preponderance in the Gulf region tacitly or explicitly into the negotiation process for the limitation of Soviet military influence in other regions .
15 Now you know , wi with lots of experts in this field and so we 're we only simply put that forward as a , a general suggestion whether it should be one-third from them and two- thirds from the pension funds , you know , I do n't think is a matter of great importance to us , but we do think that the should perhaps be a bit spread , spread a bit more widely than just into the pension funds .
16 Recognising a more serious problem in the fact that Pippin II remained at large in Aquitaine , Charles moved across the Loire , this time penetrating much further than before into the south-west , where Pippin 's adherents were evidently still to be found .
17 If she looked a bit to the right , northward , rather more than half-way into the forest , it was often there .
18 There had been the long drift through cold spring into hot summer ; the long sinking into the mercies and bossiness of her friends and thence into the arms of the medical profession ; the final humiliation of accepting , because she was too inert to refuse , money from Rachel .
19 Masha had , in fact , learned the terrible lesson as the despicable pogroms developed into a policy of national hatred and persecution , later to be transformed into actual genocide and thence into the horrors of the Holocaust .
20 By raising or lowering these gates , one could control the flow of water both into and out of the pond and thence into the sluice , at the other end of which was the pipe which fed the turbine in its house below .
21 The muffled men with the lanterns lighted their way into the house up a vast perron , where once guests had sat in the sun before luncheon , and on into the hall , music belching into its emptiness .
22 The movie loop of this sequence showed a reducing volume of fluid in the stomach when compared with Figure 1A and alos , as in Figure 1B ‘ swirls ’ of activity are apparent , especially in the fundic region , denoting considerable movement of fluid and eddy currents as the contents are propelled towards the pylorus and on into the duodenum .
23 Trucks would come hurtling down the hill , their brakes would fail , and they 'd plough right through the wall and on into the field beyond .
24 He nattered his way from university , through Chicago jazz combos and on into the birth of punk rock as the UK Subs never knew it .
25 All the causes of change are presumed , in Lyell 's system , to persist undiminished into the present , the human period , and on into the future .
26 YOUNG(ISH) MALE ( 23 ) seeks people who are into Japan , Cure , Prince , Deacon Blue , PSB , etc- Help this young individual see the next sunset and on into the future until at least 24 , anyway .
27 Pepper and Jack carried Bunty through the doors into the wings and on into the Property Room , a cavern of furniture and baskets of props , rich with the smell of dust and old beer .
28 I worked on faithfully through the Summer holidays , and on into the Autumn Term .
29 After a while the ducks got so confident that they 'd come right into our garden and eventually into the house itself .
30 There is a water-course running through the site and polluted waste could easily find its way into this stream and eventually into the River Wyre .
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