Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was a measure of the strains of the day , or perhaps of the relief at finding the sympathetic Theodora , that the Archdeacon was precipitated into something close to indiscretion .
2 In windy weather , the effects of the wind gradient near the ground accentuate any movement up or down of the towplane and glider .
3 Designated accessible polling stations , er will themselves have to cover fifty percent or so of a constituency initially and people will be allowed to have access to a designated station if their own station is one that has not qualified at that time , although the aim will be a hundred percent designated er polling stations with full access .
4 Um , said Tor , but then went on to explain that only a week or two before he had been within a hundred metres or so of a school of orca .
5 The final ten minutes or so of the session will be spent discussing what has arisen , how the patient feels about it , and the way future treatment is likely to proceed .
6 Itching will begin within an hour or so of the invasion , and the vigorous scratching induced may well abort the attack .
7 And study after study comes up , even in this brave new world , about the fact that only eight per cent or so of the child care is actually done by men , and this goes right across the classes .
8 The first hundred yards or so of the level were stone dressed and arched over our heads in a well-made curve .
9 ( d ) Continue to fill the basket with soil/compost to within an inch or so of the top , and then cover with a layer of pea shingle .
10 These temperatures are consistent with the apparent rigidity of the outer 200 km or so of the Moon and with the strong attenuation of S waves beyond about 800 km , and with the large area to mass ratio of the Moon .
11 During the later stages of accretion , at the very least , the outer 100 km or so of the Moon melted , large areas being molten at the same time .
12 The majority of the remaining seventeen hundred square miles or so of the county also comprises open countryside .
13 I observed him warily , waiting for the outburst I felt certain was infusing along with the coffee , but he remained impassive and finished the meal by stoically downing a litre or so of the espresso blend , a large tin box of Amaretti di Saronno and eight grappa .
14 The 10 per cent or so of the population which votes for Sinn Fein appears to approve of , or at least to tolerate readily , the IRA 's attempts to kill soldiers and policemen .
15 Presumably a twelfth or so of the population are Leos , and they are n't all self-opinionated , domineering , power-mad — ’
16 I gave you ten minutes or so of the lesson to look at some words .
17 Germany and Spain were eventually to become major producers of armour : within a century or so of the time of Barbarossa some of the most famous makers of armour were German , while Cologne became renowned for its swords .
18 That meant within an hour or so of the time at which Mary Penrose claimed that Riddle had left her .
19 Paul appears on the scene within a year or so of the Crucifixion .
20 The government jailed 100 or so of the party 's leading members on charges ranging from graffiti-writing to incitement of violence .
21 For the first year or so of the war , oil and gas operations in the Gulf , leaving aside the damaged Iraqi terminals , continued very much as in the 1970s .
22 For the first years or so of the war , oil and gas operations , setting aside the damaged Gulf terminals and the dislocation of the northern pipeline , continued very much as during the previous decade .
23 Initially , three sets of largely orthogonal joints develop , but as the overlying rock is unloaded by erosion the release of pressure in the upper 100m or so of the batholith generates a secondary set of joints aligned roughly parallel with the surface .
24 In the woman sensation is experienced through the clitoris and — although less intensely — in the first inch or so of the vagina ; there is also a ring of nerves around the mouth of the uterus which may or may not come into play .
25 Are the people in the room aware of the redness of the roses in the bowl , or merely of the fact that they are red ?
26 Provisions for obsolete and slow moving stock will be determined by the directors based on physical and recorded stock levels but the presence or not of a part number on an item of stock or the recording or not of the item on the stock records will not of itself be any be any form of guide as to obsolescence .
27 Aesthetes among the novices will by now be thoroughly irritable and complaining that gardens should have as much to do with the soul as with the necessity or not of a washing line or a barbecue pit .
28 Provisions for obsolete and slow moving stock will be determined by the directors based on physical and recorded stock levels but the presence or not of a part number on an item of stock or the recording or not of the item on the stock records will not of itself be any be any form of guide as to obsolescence .
29 The deliberate adjustment of the general level of awards , or of any particular category established within that general level , is , however , the sole prerogative of the Court of Appeal , or conceivably of the House of Lords .
30 It will be noted that they are marked mf or f against the f or ff of the rest of the ensemble to guard against their upsetting the balance by too powerful and brassy a tone .
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