Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [not/n't] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And it may have still seemed a lot of money at I think one thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds , I ca n't comment or not not having seen the size of the estate , but it compares quite well with the five thousand one hundred and sixty sixty pound Five hu Five thousand seven hundred and sixteen pounds that the Midland bank charge on the particular estate .
3 Leslie could have participated in battles on historic ground , and perhaps not have lost his life , but come back to me .
4 I think if the committee did that then we 'd be back to what five or six years ago , when a whole afternoon was spent on that and I would n't commend that to you , but can we perhaps have a word with the officers at a later stage , take it on board what both Graham and Anne have been saying , and obviously not trying to do that in a meeting like this but try to prepare for it a month before-hand .
5 Mrs. Fairfax , looking elegant and unruffled , and obviously not going to cook a thing , was greeting her daughter 's guests .
6 For myself I knew that I should go on finding greater and greater depths in Shakespeare as I grew older , and that I should die and still not have found the bottom .
7 Because of continuing financial difficulties and still not having sold the flat , we have had to leave YWAM for the moment .
8 Girls who are very aware of parental disapproval may not feel able to take this step and also not want to run the risk of parents somehow finding out that they had gone to the doctor or the clinic .
9 The young bird will wander the ocean and probably not return to breed for five years .
10 He had been whistling and probably not bothering to tread softly .
11 WAKING UP one Sunday morning , my first thought was of more sleep and consequently not bothering to go to the deanery day that had been organised in our area .
12 " Did the service men come ? " asked Clara , feeling some word required of her , and yet not daring to comment upon the story 's true import .
13 And why not have placed them for safe keeping in a pocket , satchel or valise ?
14 They did not necessarily have any particular treatment in mind , and certainly not forced feeding which is always a measure of last resort , designed to maintain life rather than to cure .
15 She collects samples , takes measurements and no doubt makes the tea : she is not expected to analyse the data she collects , and certainly not required to think about the questions those data might answer .
16 For instance , in Eads v Williams ( 1854 ) 24 LJ Ch 531 , arbitrators fixing the rent of a mine were said to be entrusted , from their experience and observation , to form a judgment , and therefore not to need to examine witnesses .
17 Before the elections Beron had maintained that the MRF should be banned on the basis that it was a militarized organization founded on an ethnic basis ( and therefore not allowed to contest the election ) .
18 A breach of condition by the seller gives the buyer , as well as a claim to damages , the right to reject the goods ( and therefore not to have to pay for them ) .
19 In an instant , she was beside him , standing close but still not venturing to touch him .
20 It is difficult to choose a medium sized fish which is compatible with smaller fish , but why not consider keeping the Striped Anostomus , Anostomus anostomus ?
21 Breadcrumb recipes are welcome but why not stretch to bulgur , rice , millet ?
22 But why not try experimenting with a contrasting thread ?
23 Never think that you have blown your exercise schedule so you may as well not bother going back to it .
24 No you ca n't ! , might as well not bother going then mighten I !
25 He might just as well not have bothered , for it was there still , it would be there for ever , unless one day they found how to cut memory out of the brain with a scalpel .
26 Ferdinando spent the night before departure with her but he might as well not have done .
27 The debate might as well not have taken place , so far as the further development of both sciences is concerned .
28 I might as well not have bothered , but then I was too young to know what to do anyway .
29 He might as well not have bothered .
30 Nearly half an inch fell this morning , but it may as well not have bothered .
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