Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb -s] on the " in BNC.

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1 It 's the main ‘ motorway ’ through the city , and there are a dozen or so stalls on the Rialto selling souvenirs — including the painted masks you 'll see on sale all over the city .
2 Whether Britain will witness electoral reform in the next decade or so rests on the outcome of that debate .
3 Deciding whether to defer retirement or not depends on the level of your earnings and the pension you would get .
4 The question of whether someone has suffered special damage or not depends on the facts of the particular case , and so is very much in the discretion of the court .
5 In this situation , whether an arbitrage transaction is attractive or not depends on the time preferences of the arbitrageur , and it is not possible to state a general no-arbitrage condition .
6 Nor from the point of view of the speaker , is there any hard and fast boundary between these and a non-restrictive adjective used in order to make explicit some property , when it is suspected that the hearer is unaware that it is implied by the use of the noun , as with poisonous in : ( 10 ) she threw Maisie 's lunch-box out of the window because it had a poisonous red-back spider in it Note that ( 10 ) further exemplifies the fact that whether an adjective is taken as restrictive or not depends on the rest of the entity-identifying phrase rather than just on the head noun .
7 Whether they succeed or not depends on the circumstances .
8 ‘ All he does is sit at the front window looking out or just sits on the bench on a sunny day like Monday .
9 There could be no better way of demonstrating the variety of tasks that normally falls on the shoulders of a manager than to reproduce in full in Figure 4.1 the ‘ Allocation of Jobs ’ list that the collective bureau at Charing Cross uses .
10 The ratchet is invariably geared to the rate of return which the investors expect to receive on their equity and that usually depends on the expected market capitalisation of the company .
11 He accordingly renamed it the ‘ Eskimo Pie ’ and chose the distinctive Eskimo symbol that still appears on the wrapping .
12 The character , the flamboyance is being f—ed and sucked out of a business that traditionally thrives on the outrageous .
13 Since the opening of the Torpoint turnpike , around 1820 , it has been Sheviock that now stands on the main thoroughfare .
14 I can only emphasise the point that Her Royal Highness has already made on the requirements for us to have a much larger membership to allow us to speak with strong voice in the many debates we find ourselves involved on behalf of our sport whether it be windsurfers , dinghies , offshore sailing craft , motor cruisers , powerboat racing , anything that virtually goes on the water we look after .
15 You should develop a putting routine that never varies on the greens .
16 It lies beside its mother occasionally disengaging from the teat with creamy milk dribbling from the side of its mouth , while she takes a rest and perhaps shifts on the sand to offer her other teat .
17 Suggestive landscape descriptions , based on the countryside of Alain-Fournier 's childhood ( near Blois , in Loir-et-Cher ) allowed Minton again to delve into his now well-rehearsed repertoire of landscape devices , though unfortunately his original cover design was replaced by another in which the quintessential motif of a figure disappearing down a deserted lane is reduced to a miserable size and merely sits on the front cover like an enlarged postage stamp .
18 It is largely a matter of economics and much hinges on the current price of energy .
19 Then , from each cone , an electron-dense muscle attachment fibre or tonofibrilla runs through the procuticle in a pore-canal and finally inserts on the epicuticle .
20 As outlined in the Introduction , this book specifically and deliberately concentrates on the upper end of the British search market , and is not concerned with firms specialising in lower-level appointments , selection and advertising , except when this accompanies some higher-level work , as in the case of MSL .
21 We will support a comprehensive and verifiable ban on chemical weapons , and further controls on the export of items which could be used in making biological weapons .
22 There are still professional watermen in the Tideway and still Phelpses on the river , but the former are a dying breed and the latter are amateur competitors .
23 Beginning from the plant size with maximum capacity Q 0 , in the long run society can gain the triangle ABE by expanding plant capacity until LMC equals social marginal benefit at E. At this plant size Q 2 the price is P 1 and still lies on the short-run marginal cost curve which is now SMC 2 .
24 About 30 actuaries are employed in the Government Actuary 's Department which advises the D.S.S. on retirement and sickness benefits , acts as a watchdog over life assurance companies and also advises on the various public service pension schemes and many other matters .
25 The scale of the amine abnormality is proportional to the degree of hyperphenylalaninaemia and probably depends on the combined effects of competitive inhibition of tyrosine and tryptophan hydroxylases ( by phenylalanine ) and a deficiency of the amino acid substrates for these enzymes .
26 This is not seen as a very attractive chore but is probably the most important of all and really depends on the goodwill of a few people under the guidance of Annie Hanlon .
27 Lisa is eighteen and now lives on the nineteenth floor of a block of London flats with her nine-month-old daughter .
28 The Skeleton rips a chunk of raw flesh out of the character ( normal damage , +3 ) and then sits on the floor and begins to bite and tear at its ‘ meal ’ .
29 The argument in the present book identifies no one set of factors as determining the others , but rather focuses on the separate but interlinked dimensions of society whose appreciation is necessary to understanding .
30 Operation leader , Falklands veteran Lieutenant Colonel Philip Neame , 46 , is determined to make a final push before Christmas — but all depends on the weather .
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