Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv prt] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And now that I have become a partner in business I can work from very early and right through in order to be free at night to train .
2 Well , I really did slog at it and once back in school I said to him : ‘ Tell what you think of this ’ .
3 Well , to me if a child has got a by all means encourage along but you should n't push them into anything cos later on in life they get a bloody complex about everything you know if they
4 When we look out in space ( and hence back in time ) to a redshift of 2 to 3 , we do indeed see a lot of quasars .
5 Arms : Clench the fists and tighten the muscles of both arms , holding your arms still and straight out in front of you .
6 The ex-Northern Ireland international — a star of Derry 's 1989 League and Cup double team — believes he is well and truly back in business after hitting 18 goals in a struggling Omagh side .
7 On the 1st May an odd selection of individuals , myself included , set out to travel not only South to Totnes Castle , but also back in time about 530 years .
8 This year 's March figure for the duck was somewhat low at just 1,710 birds , but well up in variety with 14 different species — 15 different being the maximum we have recorded , both occasions in December .
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