Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [to-vb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 So try to get him to a point where he is agreeable to discussing the problem openly with you or else to go for some form of counselling .
2 Now in recent years , what has happened is that because of the recession , mineral operators instead of looking for enormous new areas to work have been seeking to erm improve er through their own review processes , the working within their existing sites and perhaps to go for some modest increases , so the number of applications has kept up , the amount of work that we are engaged in has er been at least as much as in the past and in some cases because of enforcement matters has been greater , but the fee income has been slipping .
3 To commit our cause to God , and especially to pray for those who had been trapped in France and were hurrying to the beaches of Dunkirk .
4 Make two or three tracings of the design to enable you to experiment with various groupings and arrangements , and also to allow for any mistakes you make in cutting , especially on your first attempt .
5 After the Sanctus and before the elevation of the Host , the reader is bidden to remember Christ 's Passion and his own sin , and also to pray for all estates in the land from Pope and King to the " poure and smale " , for good harvests to sustain them and for entry into God 's joy at death .
6 They were repeatedly told he was too busy , and when finally , at the eleventh hour , they were granted a meeting , some sort of communication problem caused Mrs Sue Amphlett and her associate to be sent from one building to another and then to wait for some time in the wrong one , until they had to leave to finish the report in time for the news conference they had called .
7 increase general awareness of the Commissioner and her role and to ensure , as far as reasonably practicable , that trade union members will have access to information about the assistance the Commissioner can provide and how to apply for that assistance
8 This requires choosing the time to switch from the near to the next near contract , and how to adjust for any differences in price level between the near and the next near contracts .
9 Price recommends all caterers to not only determine the micron thickness when looking at silver-plated cutlery , but also to ask for this to be specified on the invoice .
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