Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [to-vb] in the " in BNC.

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1 It is certainly tempting to say both to ‘ no meaning ’ atheists and to ‘ no meaning ’ theists that such perplexity represents the real life situation of most human beings as they choose to believe or not to believe in the existence of God .
2 Are these people afraid to expose themselves in a panel condemning the National Health Service or just to sit in the background and make any comments ?
3 For others , it was a chance to browse … or just to relax in the sunshine .
4 For others , it was a chance to browse … or just to relax in the sunshine .
5 They do not consist of an abstract duty to maximise profits or otherwise to act in the interests of society .
6 With an enormous effort Alexandra said , with a small smile , ‘ It was better to be artificial than actually to sit in the sea in March .
7 They obtained permission from the NZRFU for most of them to drift away from Twickenham and eventually to arrive in the northern Italian town of Treviso .
8 The primary aim of the central bank is to work closely with the government and so to operate in the public interest .
9 My aim was to investigate the symptoms of decay and perhaps to discover in the ‘ capriciousness and the return to chaos ’ a law which would vouchsafe one an insight into the intimate workings of art .
10 Of course , it is necessary constantly to review policy and constantly to keep in the forefront of our thinking the need for the security forces and the police to have all the resources necessary to do the job that they do on behalf of all of us , the need for which has been so tragically illustrated again in the last 24 hours .
11 Mozart wrote often to his wife , admonishing her not to fall in the baths , not to go out walking alone , and not to gamble in the casino .
12 The commander explained to the Dictator that the ship had come only to ensure the safety of British subjects and not to interfere in the situation in Madeira .
13 And just to sketch in the background , could you recapitulate for us ?
14 While stainless is tough and harder to scratch in the first place , once it does become marked the scratch is permanent , unlike a mark on silver-plated cutlery which can be removed by re-plating .
15 To overcome this obstacle and also to participate in the euro-dollar market , US banks opened branches abroad .
16 This method of narration allows the reader to take part in the initial experience , to share in the inquiry into its meaning from the start , and then to join in the subsequent dialogue with which Wordsworth engages ‘ the Mind out there ’ ( or the ‘ Wisdom and Spirit of the Universe ’ ) in his attempt to find a fuller explanation .
17 Yet is the family maintains supportive contact with a relative , they need to know the strategy of the care team and how to respond in the relative 's best interests .
19 Since decisions are quicker , they are also more adaptable , and easier to change in the light of unforeseen circumstances which may arise .
20 But rather to join in the search for new ways forward for the common future of our society and I suggest you might do worse than try a few committees and working groups on pragmatic coalitions , collaborative democracy and local community .
21 Surely most people join the National Trust not to further some obscure and cranky cause ( special societies already exist for these causes ) but rather to help in the enjoyment of places of beauty in this country .
22 He told Beattie to climb as high as he could and watch what happened , but not to join in the fighting .
23 Earlier , he had visited the museum of San Martino , not to see any of the exhibits but just to take in the view , the huge curve of the Bay .
24 She personally recruited university-trained teachers , who were prepared not only to provide their services free but also to participate in the social life of the college .
25 You work lightly so as not to draw in the knitting or make it lumpy and you could also undo lightly worked stitches more easily .
26 Garbage was piled high in corners , and Maggie watched Sarah stepping carefully so as not to tread in the filth .
27 Treading carefully so as not to walk in the flower beds that were almost directly beneath the window , Patrick pressed two fingers against the glass , just over the lock and pushed … and the window opened .
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