Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ropes took the first opportunity of falling into the waterfall and freezing solid , bending at unpredictable angles , more or less imitating wire hawser .
2 Occasionally , this problem is genetic but more often it is caused by using too heavy creams around the eye area or not removing cleansing cream properly .
3 Australia The states of Victoria and Western Australia and the Capital Territory have passed laws eliminating or severely restricting tobacco advertising since 1987 .
4 Let me repeat yet again the words of Ernest Renan in his famous lecture ‘ What is a Nation ’ in 1882 : ‘ Forgetting history , or even getting history wrong ( l'erreur historique ) are an essential factor in the formation of a nation , which is why the progress of historical studies is often dangerous to a nationality . ’
5 They may be dazed and talk as if delirious , incoherent , stupid , forgetful ; worse ( < ) for mental exertions and is averse to speaking or even having company present ; too tired to communicate and not wanting to make the effort .
6 With a gang of laddish stooges grooving alongside to encourage him , Barry continued to lord it over the stage , munching an apple whilst reclining against the drum riser or simply feigning sleep flat on his back .
7 Sometimes when Rachaela shopped in the Saturday lunch-hour , Ruth went with her , and into Woolworth 's too , never showing a symptom of interest in the toys , sweets or loudly drumming music section .
8 furthermore , patients who were obese , or actively having weight reduction at the time when the primary gall stones developed might , on achieving ideal body weight , no longer suffer this risk factor .
9 And if any words could be found in the Statute which provided that besides paying Income Tax on income people should pay for advantages or emoluments in its wider sense ( such as I think the word " emoluments " here , has not , for reasons to be presently given ) , there is no doubt of Mr Tennant 's possession of a material advantage , which made his salary of higher value to him than if he did not possess it , and upon the hypothesis which I have just indicated , would be taxable accordingly .
10 Brazauskas was elected president of the Seimas and thereby acting state President on Nov. 25 .
11 Babies born preterm are likely to lack surfactant — a material that covers the surface of the lung , lowering surface tension in the alveolus and thereby preventing lung collapse on breathing out .
12 A similar effect of Oct-1 in inhibiting binding to an adjacent sph site and thereby preventing gene activation has recently been documented in the SV40 enhancer ( 22 ) .
13 We have already noted that she would have started as a reading girl , at 4s or 5s a week , before learning the lay of the type case and eventually starting work setting type .
14 Moreover , water is often heated and pumped , and so minimising water use is another way of minimising energy consumption .
15 After they 'd gone Sukey paced up and down sipping Evian water .
16 Nell was n't there , but Zak and some of the other actors were , sitting four to a table , drinking pale-looking orange juice and not eating carrot cake because of the calories .
17 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what is his estimate of the number of people in the United Kingdom who are economically active , unemployed and not receiving unemployment benefit .
18 And I have a responsibility to the Committee , you know , and they have to the Regional Board , even though you 're working in a section of the hospital that 's outside the NHS establishment , and not using Ministry money .
19 Mr. Maunder then gave a list of ‘ don'ts ’ including not using peat based compost — he suggested coconut fibre or copra bean substitutes — and not buying hardwood trellis .
20 You get high levels of urban unemployment there so migration to the urban areas and not finding employment situation .
21 Smoking could affect gall bladder pathophysiology — for example , by stimulating mucin secretion and thus promoting cholesterol monohydrate nucleation — a critical step in gall stone formation .
22 Spending is rising , but the revenue to pay the bills is sluggish as the number in work ( and thus paying income tax ) falls , and company profits ( and hence corporation tax ) melt away .
23 Well — that happened to me when my daughter joined the local Brownie Pack ; they were desperate for help and that ‘ couple of hours on a Friday ’ led to my becoming that pack 's Brown Owl , moving to a Guide Company that was in danger of closing and finally becoming District Commissioner administration four Brownie Packs , four Guide Companies and one Ranger Unit .
24 Take up of set-aside and ever reducing fertiliser usage might satisfy some of the requirements of the directive in time but Mr Buchan said he hoped that farmers would take urgent note of the board 's action and start planning ahead .
25 A falling savings ratio and rapidly rising consumer expenditure were certainly significant features of the second half of the 1980s .
26 The sample was then purified by using diatoms and guanidinium thiocyanate , but the procedure was adapted by washing only once with each reagent , thereby reducing cross contamination and still abolishing sample inhibition .
27 The tradition of first playing for England and later becoming RFU president was continued by yet another pilot .
28 The cooling fan acts across the valves , thus aiding consistency of performance and also prolonging valve life .
29 About twenty to twenty five percent of the senior cl clinicians opposed the application and the percentage figure amongst other disciplines will be far higher and , as has been said , the main motivation to seek Trust status , is based upon a financial squeeze on with it 's neighbours and also seeking Trust status .
30 This has the double advantage of making available notes between the bottom note E in the seventh position of the B flat tenor trombone and the fundamental B flat and also providing shifts alternative to those found awkward among higher harmonics .
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